So where are we ?

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The question beckons, Where are we? More over with our entire nation under peril by crooks and a corrupt DemoPublican government, and considering that the primaries are in South Carolina where is the Confederate States Party? Who chickened out in the Sons of Confederate Veterans? Who is not flying our battle flag there where it needs to be seen? Why are we not hearing the lectures, speeches and other educational information that this nation , all of this nation we call America that is hungry for something to bring us out of a serious political if not civil ditch?

Just , last week 5 of Ogden City Utah’s finest were gunned down during a drug raid. This disrespect for the law is not in the view of us in the Confederate States Party. While we believe in the right to keep and bare arms, to protect our property and families, we don’t believe in killing those whose job it is to rid our neighborhoods and communities of a person growing weeds. Come on now.

This nation is in serious trouble. Yet no mention of the Confederate States Party is on FoX News, CNN, or even MSNBC.

Even local radio personalities are numb and idiots for not allowing the voice of today’s Southern Movement or the ideals of today’s Confederates to be heard or spoken of. Except one , KDXB FM 105.7, here in Heyburn Idaho, and our sister stations that belong to the Confederate Star Network. That’s a article for a different time.

But what are the Yankees scared of? That the truth be told. Whether its Zeb Bell, or Mitton, or any of the morning shows will dare to call me or comment , but scared is not Knytes of Anarchy’s soul, nor in the heart of the Confederate Star Network.

Beyond our shores here of the Mountain West, Dixie Broadcasting . Com webcasts the truth. We carry that network on our stations, but it has to go further. We need more than an occasional posting on YouTube. We need more than just a cable access TV channel program ,which we have on nearby CH-12 in Pocatello, we need to get us in front of this thirsty for education on our southern confederate principles, on national media.

How this gets done in my next article.

But again my question is; Where are we in the CSP ?

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the day:
The only thing that lasts longer than a friend's love is the stupidity that keeps us from knowing any better. - Randy K. Milholland
Galatians 5:16“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”

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