Flying @ Random


BENCH FLYING HEADER bf flying @ random

Welcome to Bench Flying for this week, and Flying @ Random.

Well did you notice ? The local media in our Tragic Valley as I suspected , completely ignored me pointing them to the Internet Piracy bills SOPA and PIPPA that is circulating through Washington DC. The only station in viewing range that did anything on the issue was KSL-5 out of Salt Lake City.

However; neither The Voice, nor the Weekly News Journal of Burley, the Times News , Twin Falls, nor any TV station did a report of this impending legislation that will impact everyone on the Internet.

Its media supported , Government CENSORSHIP .

Imagine if you decided that you wanted to listen or view your favorite music on YouTube. You go there , but NO YOUTUBE, Hey that’s infringing on copyrights, so that site goes in the toilet.

Your tween, wants more 411 for a report for school, looks up something on Wikipedia, but hey Wiki is no longer operational. Why? Wiki might have been taken off line.

Imagine, you want to look up YOUR OWN BLOG, but your local isp sezz nope, that’s looking at copyrighted material. Even if YOU wrote it, once its on Blogger it belongs in part to BLOGGER/aka-Google intellectual property so YOU can’t read it.

The list goes on.

The big TV networks are crying about this as they see it as hammering on their intellectual property. Thing is; them damn Networks are making too much money anyway. What little content is viewed wont hurt em. I can see both sides to the issue , but to keep a free communications and information medium available is worth a bit of discomfort.

That said; why did our local Tragic Valley media including all three papers go dumb on the story? Who knows, but hey I pointed them to it, but as it was said you can lead em to the water but some jackass’s are to dumb to drink.

220px-Debby_Ryan_Gracie_crop imagesCA8K0U1K selena-gomez-shake-performance Shake-it-up So this past week, I got this call from a disgruntled listener on air, about how she felt it inappropriate for me to be watching the Disney Channel so much and focusing attention on such offerings as Shake It Up, Wizards of Waverly Place, Good Luck Charlie etc.

First off understand I have no evil intentions here. The fact is; what else is there to watch? 8 channels run nothing but Law and Order reruns, the others rerun CSI of some sort. The rest are running shows of raiding peoples storage units and selling off the stuff. The rest are chasing ghosts of some sort, getting none talent to sing that have the least chance of it. Being humiliated in front of the nation.

If its not the programming its the damn ads. The only time you see good ads is on the SuperBowl and that’s a warm up for the Daytona 500. The rest of the crap product do nothing, over priced junk for $19.95 or more plus handling. Get fricking real here.

Hell I saw this thing while watching the news for this thing called the Genie Bra. For $60.00 plus another $20.00 each for four more are you kidding me? That’s $140.00 for nothing more than a spandex sports bra. Shit girls , go bra-less its cheaper.

But getting back on course here.

Watching the Disney Channel and watching some of the more, albeit done by tweens and teens that have adult written into them, is not bad. Like I said, what the hell else is there to watch?

Add to that, being a film producer and production engineer as I am for Confederate Star Communications, I’m looking at these youngn’s and thinking what’ll they’ll look like in say 10 or so years? What movie project or TV series project can we cast them in. Don’t get me wrong there are some albeit obscure talent of both genders out there, but its the same people in different films and TV gigs. Bullshit, I want to see fresh faces  and talent. some of Disney’s bunch does a helluva job.

So that’s why I watch.

Plus some of the music on there ain’t bad either, In fact pretty damn good, and nearly converting me to looking into one of our AM stations that belongs to HazzardAyre/Confederate Star Radio, to being a Radio Disney station. They even have this one called Radio Rebel, featuring a hot new girl star Debby Ryan, who I think is becoming more than the Disney Channels GO TO GO FOR IT talent.

DebbyRyan_RadioRebelPromo_01 MarVista-Disney-Channel-Radio-Rebel images

So that’s why I watch the Disney Channel.

Well then, it got wet this past week. Really wet. I smelled this several days b4 and why I scrambled to get both my regular cell carriers to give me a few days to pay the damn bill. Expecting that $8,000.00 from the club, a partial law suit payment that the club coupled with the Montgomery Foundation(My mom & Dads money) that we are getting back, some $800,000.00 of which I get 10% of or $8,000.00 . I expect that in check in my mail box by mid week coming. So figured hey I can pay some bills, get into shop(finally) do some needed repairs on both my trucks, by my Thunderbird, and maybe a new 2 me ride.

Yet neither Verizon, nor Syringa would budge, so they’ll wait, until the first. Hey its not like folks can’t email me or come by the Wolf’s Lair here. As far as toewing? I do that through A1’s dispatch to me via two way, radio. So no biggy. But you’d think, that some visionary at either Verizon or Syringa could at least figure out , that hey, its snow outside, this guy(me) runs a tow service, he needs a phone. Nope just tunnel vision.

Makes one wonder , don’t they have a brain? Oh well, they gotcha. No pay no phone, and ya’ll gotta have a phone, so ya’ll pay.

Once I get Cable-One’s bill settled, I’m going for their phone package as a back up.

So in all been a fairly good week, considering.

Until Next Friday



Reporting for:

bf flying @ random  AYRE TRAFFIC HEADER

L8R Aviators,


Quote of the day:
Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other. - Ann Landers
Galatians 6:7-8“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”

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