And this is why there IS Salt Lake City, and why there is a Highway going between here and there.

And so I sit here watching Dr Phil, in my room here in Salt Lake City. The traffic below is normal, since its the same with me on Blue Lakes in Twin Falls. I'm meeting with the High Council, on shop/and radio gig issues here. They still feel, that the radio gig, would be better served and operated from points and places in or around Salt Lake City. Me I think we can do it all from both points. On the shop. Their views are, putting that in a place where infrastructure including telecom, is easier to access than our current location. After all, there only so much room, that one needs for a Motorcycle Shop. As it is, is; HCC first, then Heavy Rescue Toew second. As far as the WolfPack, still working to get us a hangar out at Joslin Field. 
Missed getting my Qusadillia, today, from Cosa in Twin. That place has to be the extremely rare, good place to eat, the honeys minding the store are friendly, and thinking, might be a place for the Knytes to meet, if not the WolfPack. The Council, wants me to get rid of my Goat stash, and go bald. Dang it Rick, see what you started? Any mile going to finish watching this TV show. Could another relocate be in the works? God I hope not, I like where I'm at in Twin Falls, I love the Church Ward I'm in, and I see light at a tunnel. Just again, hope its not another train coming at me, I can't stand many more train wrecks.


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