My Crotch has been burning something terrible, Here's the Daily Breefs

So yes I finally went to Church yesterday. First I think our Deacons are a bit confused. Got nearly through the bread gig, but forgot to dish out the none glut version. My question, who cared? It's the Sacrament for Heavens sake, not a sit down lunch. But their young so oh well. Finally saw Mini Mouse, looking ah so tender and sweet. She was ALL alone. Then some fat old fart came in and plunked down beside her. Instantly my Wolf senses were aflame, my female companion, told me to just simmer down. If you really want to know, its my full intention in the Temple or not, to be fully hitched by years end and I'm finding a few in the Ward that's somewhat available. Priesthood meeting was a bit dry, the subject matter was Covenant something. I can't remember it all. Too many Elders and High Priests Qurum teachers, don't use a bit of levity, or some contemporary humor in their presentations. Something to grab on to. Overall, I really am into my new Ward, a far cry from the last few I've dipped in lately. The Canyon View Ward is the worst, followed by the one in Burley. Past that I'm good. Having fruit of a female nature to pluck from is not bad.
Today is the move out day from that super shop, housing Hazzard County Choppers, but located something a bit more in my income range, so too, same facility has room for the formal home of our radio station operation so that works. So early this morning, went out to the super shop, snagged all that's important. Thinking of selling the S-Dime and finding something with fewer problems, and yet with what me and that little truck have been through, and fact that I can't find anything else with a clutch standard tranny in it, and that there is something I'm missing draining the electrical system all the time, is not yet a reason to just disgard it. But considering that none the less. It's nice to be able to focus on the radio gig for now, get my stuff together so I can go to air power school in Salt Lake City this fall, renew all my certificates so I can not only fly, but repair as well. To put it simply as well. Over the last 3 to 4 years with Shelly, staying true to her and all, the very touch of or by a female human in any form, is a full shock to my mind and senses. I remember whilest I was residing in ETown Wyoming a few years ago, I think it was a holiday for something or tother, any mile, Lisa the owner of a establishment I used to hang out at regular, came up and wanted to dance with me. Texas Two Step(I didn't know how) She taught me. However just her touch and all was such a shock to my system, that I nearly had a seizure, right there. I had so many chances to get away from that Shelly, I should have taken, but the simple thing here is this, its been so dang long since I have been intimate with a human female That I don't know what I'd truly do if one all of a sudden gave me the green light. Even with this toew kiss thing of mine that we do for the Company and all. I remember the same shakes and near epilepsy symptoms. Over in Wendell, gal (not the one from Utah) Peggy comes over for an audition, did all the right things, yet between staying loyal to Shelly, and my physical needs at the moment, I went into a mental vapor lock. Bottom line, next month is my birthday, and I'm going to Wells Nevada. If someone don't surface very dang soon. Makes casting for our movie and all very stressful, when I'm standing there with a hardon and/or dripping, yet trying to be professional at the same time. It was hot and dry here in Twin Falls ysterday. Hitting a near 70, yet this morning we had a half inch of snow on the ground. Never saw it snow at least in these parts in March before, but hey this is Idaho. 
Don't forget this weekend, both the Hazzard Knytes and the WolfPack meet, at Costa Vida here in Twin Falls, for our Charter. The Wyoming Charter is meeting in Rock Springs, and the Utah Charter meets a week from this Saturday in Ogden, locations will be posted here during this week. 
Until L8r Ya'll


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