Social Media censorship, is just Corporate companies way of saying , shut up your too close to the truth.

Only two packages of hot dog buns, one package of hot dogs, two gallons of milk. Anything else is being rationed. This is a maddening time for all of us, but please don't get mad at the clerks and check out people. They are only doing their jobs, they feel the hype and preasure too. 
Okay then, Truth:
I wandered over on my FB account, and saw some gal that I don't know, chatting it up with me, from Texas. Who is she? I wondered. So I flat said, look I'm married(sort of to LexiBelle) I'm seeing someone (yes same, LexiBelle) so she asks, If I'm looking for a honey? I flat responded , just got stung pretty bad from another , but would entertain, a lets see approach. The Let's see, would be dependent on this new seat-cover sending ME money, not the other way around. So then took a gander at my pages, that said no suggestions. Really, why? Did I step in it with FB again? The same revolved around both once upon a few months ago with WP, the other with Alphabet companies. These tech giants filter and hide things, simply because they can, and that they  don't want  YOU to know about, or that does not fit their idea of politics or boundries of politics. Simply, You want the Truth FB and Alphabet Companies?  
 The lies about the Coronavirus would fill the tales of future generations, as does our older people talk about the great depression. Both of which started with all this junk of rationing, and near Marshal law. Look the President, can't be voted out of, or thrown out of office during a National emergency, so why not get one going? After all if you want to lie to the citizens of this nation, and lead them down a prim rose path, why not start with a fuss, over a virus. We went through this with the HIV thing, the H1-N1 crisis, and so on. Heck we even barked about STD's, and all, stay home, keep your zipper up unless married. No smooching in the car, might lead to a outspread of a major epidemic. Come on people. It really is no big deal. But the empty shelves and all looks like corporate gouging, and the attempt for legal, actions. Problem is, if you did bring legal action against the perps that caused this nightmare, who would you sue? 
Now to our friend Nicole Vowel, 
 I still say she is the hottest, foxiest TV anchor/reporter/freelancer that I know. I never have figured out why she has never attempted to apply to us. After all our compensation package is second to none in the media industry, but too, I never understood why she didn't get more air time at KSL. Well I kinda do, both Jodi, and Nadine, although friendly on air, I know used to do a lot of back fighting there at KSL, its not the Shangrila that many would think it is. All I will say on the subject is this; Nicole, Amy, and a few others from 7, and FoX-13, have career openings here with us here at HazzardAyre/KnyteWolf media. We are growing this gig, every day right from tiny Twin Falls, Idaho. And developing it all into a nationwide full throttle network coast to coast. At our last tally, of audience numbers we hit just a bit over 50,million a day. Around the World as well. See what happens when you stream via The reworked studios, and all go up in July, and should be fully rolling by mid October, 2020. This is also what happens with Southern-Fried Hazzard County Tenacity, and determination. 
Stay Tuned.


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