I wasn't but I will anyway

I wasn't going to howl this morning, my body being needing sleep. Church then, toew duty and all, but. Started watching something on Fox News Channel, that really ticked me off, and some need to not only read but remember their southern history. Abe Lincoln, was by all means a liar, cheat, and one of the early proponents of Communism, although it had a different name then. Thing is he was also a Republican. Next saw a posting on FB, about some barking about not forgetting what happened on 9-11. Guess what friends, that event was co-sponsored by: The Republican Party, and President Bush, son of George Bush. Again the Republican Party. Did somebody here forget that? Now I'm not a Republican, nor a Democrat. I'm a Confederate, from my grey blood, to my upbringing. I'm not a redneck, nor do I think the term anymore should be placed on us, by outsiders, nor Confederate supporters, that have no idea what they're talking about. In fact many are way too young to remember anything, about anything. They're hope and prayer, is that somehow through the gig, is that some how they might be able to snag a Yankee, dollar. Many on FB are lucky to have a pot to pee in , or a window of an outhouse to throw it out of. As long as its free, they're in, throw up the need to raise capital, they say nope and hide, or say something like, "wish ya'll luck"  But then I watched some special on Fox News Channel as I just said. While factual, and all, it was little more than a two hour infomercial, to get YOU to subscribe to, they're streaming service, Fox-Nation. Really? Isn't that thing gaining  traction on its own? Now the intelectuals may not like it, but there's little they can do, cause in words of Charley Daniels, What this world needs is more serious Confederate Rebels. Not a bunch of punk kids, or youngsters, polluting the truth, or soiling the work of so many. Want to cause a real uprising? On the ballot this fall, write in as many Confederates as you can, under the political party, The Confederate National Party. And then watch the fireworks. Simply put, and so it remains, the Hazzard Knytes are here to fight the system.
L8R Rebels.


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