Great Hazzard County Morning to ya'll here's what's going on here
Great Hazzard Morning to ya'll, finally caught some shut eye overnight. Had a slight crisis, overnight that required me early this morning to exit the Wolf's Den. Had to go out on a toew, nobody else was available, then fuel the truck after. Which was good since I could snag some SKOAL, in the process. The teleconference style meeting of the WolfPack and us was fantastic. We got to do what we wanted to do, and discuss many things. And yes, I do think FB discriminates against us, and more so since this Emily entered the picture.
it would be grand if that'd work out as it seams on the surface, but I also remember at least 5 others that pitched the idea of moving out here with me that were nothing but smoke and mirrors for some con artist guy, trying to infiltrate the insides of the Reaper Crew, so, I'm being very careful.
then later the big deal wheels we built. This will be a major production, but at least we got funding for the project, and even though its a two year production, a 2023 release is planned. And you thought you had a busy day and week ahead. Finally found the rear end for my trike, so going to be welding in the shop, most of the week. Hey, its still by myself, away from people, so yes I'm in the shop. HCC did not die. Cooter's Toewing did, as we transition that into Heavy Rescue Toewing
but HCC, as well as us with HazzardAyre keeps us connected to the Knytes as well as all things Hazzard County. We are going to rebuild that franchise our way. Just like we set out to do about mid way through the HazzardKnytes's escalation. With all the support and all we gave to that institution, for them to completely ignore us is stupid. But we will survive. This old boy Red-neck crap for all folks southern bred is horse manure. It makes everyone that grew up and was raised with grey southern blood in our veins, look like a bunch of hicks that are stupid, from the back side of the Smokey Mountains. Bullony. Time to do some damage reputation repair. Everyone focus's on one flag. I think maybe changing that image a bit, might move the needle on our cause. There was 5 Confederate Military flags, why not show those as well? Any whoo, its Monday, have a great day.

So with the confinement, of this Covid19, I renamed it, paininthebutt21 . But it does give me time to engineer the radio werx, so that be what I be doing.
Casting for the Movie, HazzardKnytes and KnyteWolf starts in two weeks. First the women, then the guys. With KnyteWolf we can do most of that using adults. However, doing the HazzardKnytes film, 70% being shot in Layton Utah, and going back to 1963 when I moved onto Spurlock Drive, it'll be youngsters involved, and that makes nervous. Plus finding a grade school look alike for Peggy, is going to be a real challenge. You just can't duplicate perfection, and then, as well as today, she still remains the ultimate looking woman on the planet. Once I get the photos from our session last week, into my computer, you'll get to see, my Peggy in all her glory. Finding that bycycle is going to be tough. That thing was a one of a kind, made even better, by the just developing club. It's fair to say, that we were and are a MC, since our first rides were two wheels, first bycycles, the mini bikes

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