There are times its best to sit back and see what shakes, before engaging.

There are times one must not act impulsively but rather look a bit further into a long term investment, and if the claims of the seller, are real, or just a diversion into something else. Example; local radio station, offers a build it for you website creation and marketing. So far so good. Question I have, is, how would the publicize let alone promote another, albeit online, but another radio station? Especially one like of the nature of HazzardAyre or KnyteWolf Radio? Both of which again albeit online, but a station that is kicking butt on all local as well as regional radio networks and stations. Then caught a porn site being played out on . Here was a gal looking for support for being a dancer. Really? Looking into it further, found the poster, more like poser, was pitching a site for intimate adventures, of the carnal kind. Really? Are there such women here in Twin Falls, that want a quicky? The offer says its free. Really? Nope it ain't free, when you get snagged for a credit card, nope. Not going to go that route. Just like buying a truck, or a helicopter, before you plunk down cash from your stash in any way, first look under the hood. Get a sniff of their butts first, then decide if its something you want to pursue. Had pitches from 4 other so called Website builders. Guess what none of them were versed in streaming, or webcast radio. I don't say Podcast, to me what we do and a Podcast is far different. A podcast is episodic at best, a webcast radio station, of which there are only in truth, 2 in the U.S. Ours and one out of Ohio. The old adage of if it smells good eat it, is no longer applicable. In today's era smelling is only part of it, tasting and feeling has to be in the mix of the decision making. Same thing happened almost two years ago, when our op was in Wendell, Idaho. Heard and saw ads on our only local TV station. Saying they could build and promote your website, and business. Oops they couldn't. Found out, that the site was built elsewhere, out of Florida or somewhere. All KMVT did was selling advertising. Now its not uncommon for a TV station to give fluff to a radio station, seen it many times in Salt Lake City, several even partnered with the TV station and ran contests, or supplied bumper music to early morning TV shows. Cross promotion used to be scarce however. The rule of thumb used to be, that a personality, could not do ads , say a newscaster could not do ads for a product or any other advertiser. Now days its as common as seeing another idiotic Progressive Insurance commercial. I hate bait and switch, I distain any con, which is why many of you trust HazzardAyre, and KnyteWolf Radio. Now for a quick secret. Both of which apply.
HazzardAyre, is just a merge of words, from two radio shows we were doing brought together as one. Southern fried Hazzard County fight the system radio, combined with a show for those into vintage classic warbird style aircraft. KnyteWolf Radio, is the same thing. Knyte is Hazzard County Knytes, Kustmz Association. Oldies hot rod style radio, Wolf as in WolfPack aka the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association. Basically HazzardAyre done just a tad bit different, but still all one. Instead of 4 , 6 hour radio shifts, we condensed down to two 12 hour shows per day, per week. Our studios are located at 258 Blue Lakes Blvd, North in Twin Falls, Idaho. 
Until Next time ya'll, but can't stations and advertising just be honest? 


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