Some days I really wonder what she'd do, if she knew

Most of you know by now of this insaitable obsession I have with and for that little blonde angel I met in 2nd grade that has never been fully realized. Now I have only about two, maybe 3 photos of her, from a 1976/77 year book from the high school her and I went to as teens. That's all I have of her. The last real contact I had with her was once at the shops her uncle and Dad , leased near Hill Field in Layton Utah. Since then I have lost touch, and for the dangest nobody seems to know where she went, if she's still amongst the living, or if she joined the rest of God's angels in Stovakore. However, my concept of placing her in just about every blog banner I work up, is not to be stalking her, but hopefully, good, or bad; that she might see it on facebook or elsewhere and say that's me and make the leap frog and give me a phone call. Peggy Follett, was her maiden name. Some  say she got hitched, Shelly said to her recollection, that Peggy was single. If so, I don't give a rats butt if she has a herd of young'ns, I'd be on her door step or welcome her into mine in nothing flat. Now with that said, where could she be? Most would say, call her Dad or Mom, thing is even then , her parents although patient with me and all wasn't too encouraged with the idea of Peggy mating up with a sinister Wolf like me, more importantly, a Jack-Mormon, which is mostly my spot in the Church, any way, but I'm working on fixing all of that. I have but three vices, Jack Daniels, Skoal, and all things Harley, meaning bikes and the culture. That all in, thing is I'm not so sure that a party would be thrown if all of a sudden me and a few from the MC showed up at her parents house and ask the obvious, where the hell is she? I've done, all the paid search sites, BeenVerified and such with little to no results. There was one hit from some bag in Logan Utah, but there's a big age discrepency, there. So where the hell is she. Like the owl in the tree as the kid on the ground asked, " Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?" Answer; the World may never know, but I'm busting balls this year to damn well know, where she is, and her life status, even if its she's hitched still or in a grave yard, I still want to know. 
So then;
While I'll always be all things Hazzard County, including the Knytes and all, still this Cooter thing is getting old on me and it doesn't work well these days, nor does the handle look good as it used to on me. Hazzard County Choppers will continue, as well as AyreWolf(HazzardAyre)Aviation, but, the tow side of all of this and the core of the entire company, is rolling over more on the Heavy Rescue Toewing(mis-spelled on purpose) side. When that name popped in my head it was such a inclination, much like HazzardAyre Radio and all that I have been wrenching on that handle to light the candle of us going towing, for about a year and a half. Outside of some very serious work horses like LexiBelle 
The movement towards a heavy hauler tow service has been getting stronger every day. The move on our part, cuts down the competition, big time. About the only ones around here that do heavy truck work, is the crew out at both Marky's and A1. Big Tow in Jerome and that's it. Few others in fact no others have went full tilt on a heavy truck, no cars or little pickup truck towing. The grand point here too is this. None of my competitors, that most of you know, are even WreckMaster, or TRAA Certified. I am, with both. A1's crew isn't, nor is Marky's, and Big Tow is only a part time company. Big Tow concentrates mostly on dragging and snagging, Arlo Lotts, trucks past that very little outside of that they don't do it a a normal gig. So why not us? The big hammer is getting LexiBelle over here. Understand I'm not blaming my dear friend Rick, but all that was needed was fixing a fuel tank crossover so I could use both fuel tanks. The long time, no truck, and all has cost me serious cash flow problems. So I'm working on getting either of my competitirs to fire up one of their rollbacks and go fetch, my truck. Then I can commit surgery, and get back in the game, I'm tired of sitting out all these tows that I should have. Add to that the damage done, frying the clutch, and all when some dope dork, tried to steal my precious LexiBelle, its time to bring her home. that's the second big gig for me this year, and the 3rd, if I don't get Peggy, I'm working on two from our LDS Ward here. I want and desire to be married in the Temple, sealed to someone for eternity, and her pop a kid or two. I'd love to leave this realm of this dimension, with my only son Eddy having a brother or sister. But really, I do wonder sometimes when I look at those photos of Peggy, 
who looks more like her mother every day. So yes, I'm searching. Will I find her? Who knows, but I'm making an effort. But I wonder if she knows that I'm out here hunting her? I can only think, 
L8R Rebels.


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