I think I smell rotten crawdad.

crawdad .
Ever been somewhere where Lincolnites gather and all the streams they spew out and 🤔 think 🤔 I smell rotten crawdad? For you northerners rotten crawdad is craw fish. Many haven't ate it. Many haven't seen one and wouldn't know crawdad from a tiny lobster. In a group of people's someone spewing out a falsehood or trying to influence with the lack of real knowledge is spewing out rotten crawdad. 
So went to quasay car show here today and the one I was drawn to was a fairly good duplicate Zebra 3 aka Starsky and Hutch Tomato. 
The guy who owns it was trying to convince me that his was one of the 7 from the TV show.  📺 I smelled rotten crawdad.  The 7 were buried in a big pit purtty close to where most if not for rare exceptions was buried the tons of patrol cars and Gen Lee' from the Dukes. Add to that the rides from other pop culture shows from the A-Team to KITT get munched after the series are retired. It's a bad thing but it happens.  In the luck of the draw our Gen. Lee was number 321. Of the series. 5 Bell 222's of which we call the Lady's were salvaged except the lead aircraft that was sold to some medical doctor who flew it into the ground. Ours is AW 3+. The rest are in order in  muzzeeum in Tennessee. Number 4 is owned by a Rockstar in Belare California and number 2 is at the Smithsonian number 5 is in Alaska. Co owned by Eagle Aviation of Van Nyes California where the backdrop of Santini Air of the series. That is owned by one of my kin folk. 
About the only car from HollyWierd's Golden age is the MonkeeMobile. The stretched GTO from the the TV 📺 show the Monkees. 
Don't get me started on Project X or Newbaums PieWagon.
Stay tuned


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