My touchy touchy. WP is.

 My has this been one of those techy freaky days. Started out getting out of bed, had to, my butt was getting sore trying to stay in bed. After the all day and evening batch of sleepy meds at the tummy doctor. The body needed a jump start. So outta my bunk, I went. Into the Kitch, to snag one of beloved Saborico, yogurt drinks, of which there is no equal, and only now being able to get it from Walmart. Tried to get it from both Smiths Foods and Albertson's but hey they can't get it. Guess being the largest food retailers on the planet, gets you what you want. So then it was into the studio.

Now tried to do a blog entry on WP, found that didn't work, apparently the concept that I bought(and paid for in full) my sites, there, still, they will not allow anything southern or Confederate on WP. I guess just not putting up the battle flag might be a way to slide back in there, but hey that's why I do radio. Then if that was not enough, our OAN news feed, was down, guess crappy weather makes all thing IT go astray or ari, so that took a few hours to rectify. But at least got one episode up, and looking to another here in a few hours.

Now then, let's take a look at other IT or social operations. Facebook is really cracking down on us, simply because I did not and will not pay for ads, placed there, that never generated any useful results. Next, there's Twitter, who changed their OS, so can't access that on my tiny flip-phone any more. Oh well. And last the skuzzies that attempted to invade the cash stash of the Knytes, found out, that we don't pay for no work, more over, work that can't be documented. That said tried to help one through the Club, and as far as I know, Big Kelly sent it, but this time of year from that far away, snail mail takes a bit to get here. See the Knytes have failsafes, that prevent being snookered. I make the request, it goes to Big Jon, and he is big about 7 foot tall, and 275 pounds of raw muscle. Then the money request goes to Dave in Alabama for documentation, then it goes to our bean counter Big Kelly, for withdraw and wiring or snail-mailing the Cashiers check. So yes it's a process, but when your tending to that size of a cash stash, certain things are set up to be guardians, at the door to the bank. Look I'm only the Vee-Pee, final decisions are made by the Club, not just me. Keeps my ass out of the fire. 

Any way need some zz's so off the bunkhouse. See ya'll on air at 04:00.


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