Church this morning turned into my dream toew sniff delyte.


Well here it was, reluctantly woke up a 09:00 thinking, shit gotta hurry up for Church. So grabbed my grubbies since that was all I had out to wear, Yogurt in hand, and off to Church. Except that our Ward started at 12:00, rather than the 11:00 hours that Ben told me the nyte before. I'm glad of that cuz I got to enjoy two Sacrament meetings. The first one had this team of 3 Missionaries singing a carrol, And my could the two ladies sing. I mean America's Got Talent good. So that ended, and it was our Lynwood, Ward's turn. This was my favorite part. They have it where it's spaced out every other pew, so, this couple and the most darling 3 and 4-year-old girls that love to tease to death, decided, rather I decided, why waste the real estate, sit down next to me. Now it's not cool to be coveting another SO, in Church, but this Mom, was a definite MILF. Nylons and all. About midpoint in the service, she took off her heels, I bent down caught a good inhaling sniff, and was groovy all day. For once I'm going to adopt a new family that came into our Ward, or perhaps they'll adopt me, but I'm happy now. Not like being around these strange atheists, that do not Love or know our Savior. Maybe if they did, their, lives and marriages would be all messed up. 

So then on my way home snagged grub at SubWay. Now as I was exiting, a long since former partner of mine, said hello. At first, I did not recognize old Jay. He is much skinnier than he used to be, but as we talked, I knew who he was. 

Any mile, headed to bed, see ya'll in the AM, on the AM.


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