Warnings of women scorned are not wrong.


Remember when your Mom said there was no fury like a woman scorned? Try the idea of a woman that feels she was burned. In today's society its easy to think, that can be minimal, yet in real life, with techies, they can be very vindictive through doing such things as moaning about your website's content. To the point, paid for or not such outfits like WordPress, pulls your sites down rendering a ton of stress and work around's. That may or may not be, but it sure seemed that our sites went down, after I told the two fillies, that tried to suck money out of our Club, for doing absolutely nothing. Maybe, maybe not. But can you ever regain those sites? Only if you self host them, how do you do that?

Of course these tech companies, sure have a way to hide. You can't call them by phone to speak, with one of their turbin heads, No matter how many emails, forum posts, one still can't get through. 

Shy of me jumping in the Lady and taking a quick flight to Frisco, and walking into WordPress's HQ there ain't much. Add to that shy of an attorney, how do you sift through the manure of their Terms Of Service? What Term of Service did we violate? What crispy critter at WordPress, got disgruntled over our rebel flag? 

This crap was not operational, during the Trump administration, which I pray remains, but Trump made these tech outfits behave. Now that it would appear that Nancy Pelosi, and her followers, and there are some that do, Can't understand why? Since she and several in Congress are too aged to know wuz up, yet such tech outfits like WordPress and others think that they can step on people's rights of free speech, and individual rights of expression. 

Okay then in for the final here.

Sara is requiring me through us, to help with rent and all. That was halted, because of her friend Kinky, threatening court action against us. Well, that did not sit well with you, our membership, so no help.

So I suggested that she contact the church. Hey, member or not active member, I have always gotten help when I really needed it. But hey as she said in a text, the Church was not her thing. I suggested she change her thing. There is no problem or life challenge that Heavenly Father or his Son, our Heavenly Brother Jesus Christ, can't fix. But you have to pray, you have to have faith, and be open to the messages he sends. Sara got herself into this mess, then maybe she can find her way out. As for me, in reality, unless there is a ring my ring, on her left hand, and a sworn piece of paper that she belongs to me, my pants stay zipped. Sure huffing toes in hose is one thing, getting down and dirty ain't me unless we is hitched. Our Father in Heaven is very specific on that point, as well as violating a child's innocence. You just don't do it. It's not this life we need be concerned with, it's the one after. And I know for sure that there is a life beyond this one in Stovacore. 

Hitting the air at 15:00 Mountain standard time on spreaker.com/ayrewolf 




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