Have you smelled the latest pile of Manure from the Race for President?

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Have you read the latest crop of manure from the Republican race for nomination to run in the Presidential race.

Of all the candidates, Jon Huntsman’s latest spew, has him talking about the use of alternative fuels.

I can remember when I was living in Utah, I looked into the idea, since I stumbled upon it quite by accident, of setting up an ethanol plant in the eastern valley of Utah. There was some sort of grant available by the US Department of Agriculture to do so.

In researching the permit requirements for that , found that Utah , firstly had no domestic alternative energy or motor fuel policy. Second ; none of Huntsman’s staff had any idea of anything to do with ethanol or any energy policy; 3rd, in Utah at the time, there was no big rush by anybody there , to set up ethanol what was deemed E-85 fuels stations.

So I sat down, and wrote the same letter , addressed to two different Governors, one to Jon Huntsman, the other to then Governor for Idaho Dirk Kempthorne.  Know what? Huntsman never did respond to the letter, only Kempthorne did.

Now then, up to today , I had started leaning towards Ron Paul, but apparently unknown to Dr. Paul, an ad, about Huntsman speaking Chinese, and some derogatory statement involving Huntsman’s kids, I’m not quite sure.

While I know that voting is important, and plan to this year , I wonder if one could do a full write in, for candidates for The Confederate National Party, rather than either Democrat or Republican ?

Any flyte,

BIG CNP rally today, so off to bed. See ya’ll tonight.

L8R Aviators,

ayretag2  AYRE BANNER 3

Quote of the day:
Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Ephesians 5:1-2“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

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