A Disney Channel for Adults Please!!

HK TATT ART breaking dawnsub header

70 channels and only one worth watching. Sounds kinda bleak don’t ya’ll think?

Outside of FX for SOA and Justified, and CMT for the Dukes, the rest of the cable as well as local broadcast stations, for the news. There is nothing for anyone to watch. So late one night up doing my data entries here, I tuned into the Disney Channel, a Cable channel , I had avoided most of the time b4.

But then I started watching Wizards of Waverly Place , with Selena Gomez in it, that was good. After they had this series called Shake It Up, I kept watching and saw Austin and Ally, the Good Luck Charlie, and so it goes. Some, of it is teen or tween driven I realize that, and no I’m not getting a stiffy over Selena or any of the girl stars on there. But most of the programs, don’t have people ripping each others clothes off to have sex, there is no big if any fist fights, no cutting off arms, legs or serious violence , no reference much to inducing drugs, severe drunkenness , or F this and F that all the time.

What the Disney Channel does offer is some pretty catchy theme music to some of the shows, a real story line, or multiple story lines, a moral to the story, and once in awhile a chuckle or two.

The question is why can’t there be shows like this for adults? Why cain’t there be a network like Disney For Adults channel? Or similar? This is the idea behind HazzardAyre TV, but HazzardAyre TV is off in the distance.

While a few shows are trying to equal the quality of the offerings like Wizard’s of Waverly Place and Shake it Up, they fall, far short.

Is it that Disney employees better writers and production people? Is it that Disney demands only excellence? Or is it something else.

In words from two of those shows, Everything is not what it seems, and hey TV execs, it really is time to Shake It Up.

Last on Disney Channel here; Its nice to watch a TV network, or channel without seeing ads for contraceptives, women’s hygiene products, Pro-Active zit cream, and women’s underwear. As well as all those $19.95 plus handling charges junk product ads.

70 Channels and only 3 or 4 worth watching. Purtty sad state of things on TV ain’t it?

My did is snow. Made up for some of the slow to no tow season didn’t it? Here at CooTer’s Toewing , we caught 275 slide off’s , 17 wrecks, 8 stalled trucks, 7 no starts, 5 other type calls so we been busy.

So for this old Wolf I’m off to bed. Need sleep.

Until L8R Aviators

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Quote of the day:
Honesty may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy. - George Carlin
Matthew 7:12“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

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Quote of the day:
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - Doctor Who


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