What no FaceBook Page?


Now Lets see if they like this?

What no FaceBook page? In today’s modern business environment , making use of every tool you can is essential, without them ya’ll might as well fly blind.

Dig this, just for hijinx I searched FaceBook, hey might as well use FaceBook for something , right? So searched to see if FoX 35 out of Twin Falls, Idaho, just happened to have a FaceBook Page, know what ? Nope. How can a FoX no less affiliate, that is sorta hip, and the home to NASCAR for 6 months, not have a FaceBook page? Get Noticed, huh, whose watching? The only , and I mean the ONLY reason any body here watches FoX 35 is for of course NASCAR, an occasional football game, American Idiot, and the X-Factor. Past that who is watching? Nobody. Get a stream from both Arbitron and Nielsen Ratings and FoX 35 is the absolute lowest critter on the totem pole. Ya’ll would have thought that such a station nearly begging for advertisers would have been a bit warmer to the club and ye ole Wolf here. Nope. Oh well KSTU out of Slick City Utah is where we will spend our TV money. As far as radio, why spend money there when we already own our own station? And newspaper? Don’t make me spit , That’s why we publish our own newspaper; HazzardAyre.

Any mile.

Be for watching the Rose Bowl, this year will have a beauty for all STNG fans, Paramount will have a float celebrating 100 years. And dig this perched high is NCC-1701, yes the USS Enterprise>>>ParamountFloat010212 EnterpriseFloat010212 of course, FoX is no slouch they are running a float for cable affiliate FX with this>>>>sin shirt celebrating ASOALOGO Which has been givin the green light for yet another season.

More L8R Aviators,

but gotta close by saying this, FoX –35 without even a FaceBook Page. Hey Chris Pruitt's KMVT as bad as they are, at least has a fans FaceBook Page. Even we have a FaceBook Page, maybe the new sales gal at FoX-35 might want to jump ship and work for a real media company.

Next time ; Hazzard-County Exotic Video.

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Quote of the day:
A newspaper consists of just the same number of words, whether there be any news in it or not. - Henry Fielding
Isaiah 1:16-17“Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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