Is it possible to be too critical?


In today’s society where stupidity through what ever course seems to be rampant, can one be too critical? If so should we be more relaxed and accepting, or do the perfect best? Is there a perfect best? And does that perception vary with the viewer?

Consider the TV ad. In this limited resource both human as well as economic climate, the dramatized TV ads of yesteryear are today more expensive to make, although some leaning towards the ads of yesteryear do show up today with a slight update included. I suggest the new ad by Sunkist Tuna, running a retro style ad back to Charlie Tuna with the new era twist.

The concept today, get an ad on, promote the product, service whatever it is, so we can get the whatever sold and be done with it. I give the example the direct to consumer econo ads, that say just send $19.95 plus handling to: Never telling you the handling charge, which is usually the same as the product. Why? Simple if you return the thing, that’s cheaply made and cost less to deliver, gizmo. They at least keep the handling charge that ultimately is a sale made. But that’s getting off course here.

Then you think , can’t they do better? Sure, but ever priced a good TV ad produced. It can cost anywhere from $5,000.00 on the low end to over a $1,million on the high end. The latter used usually on something like the SuperBowl or Daytona 500. Which usually outsells both locally and nationally the SuperBowl.

In our organization the task of striving to be perfect can lead to our members being all to overly critical. Since many of our members are reassigned(a Marine never retires just gets reassigned) Marine/Navy aviators, the same lessons learned in both BT as well as on task as in aviation there are no second chances. A screw up could mean ditching a multi million dollar byrd or killing someone that was not a target. There is no room for screwing the pooch(that means missing a trap or landing on a carrier) too much. Although it happens, but the results can be deadly.

Aviators also plan and evaluate everything at least 3 times b4 putting anything into motion, that can translate into normal life, both in and outside the cockpit. airwolf-6 There comes frustration in everyday life and can be somewhat abrasive with those around us, or those we deal with who are not or were not brought up around the military or aviation. The sense of discipline and throughput are just not there, nor follow through. This can be frustrating to say the least. Such as it was in my critical remarks towards the new payee, in BlackFoot, Idaho. I expected that she would be as responsive as my cousin Bud, who up until his diabetes made it to where he couldn’t anymore. Not taking into account that Cousin Bud only had me to worry about. The lady in Blackfoot has many other clients besides me. To her , I apologize and would like to rethink the decisions made yesterday.

The list goes on, but can we be too critical? If so are we wrong to do so, and be more accepting and patient, or should we demand better from those we deal with or are around?

Let me know your thoughts so I can share them on air Friday.

My fingers are cramping, see ya’ll this afternoon.

L8R Aviators,

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Quote of the day:
Society, my dear, is like salt water, good to swim in but hard to swallow. - Arthur Stringer
Isaiah 1:16-17“Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

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