Singled out?


Ever get the feeling, that your getting singled out? Yet for the life of me cain’t figure out why?

Here’s the situation:

Moved from Rupert to Heyburn. Deposit on city services, power , water, sewer $200.00 . Nearly put Cuzzin Bud in the grave in pushing for extra money, but get it done right after Thanksgiving 2011.

Get the first utility bill from Heyburn city. The bill? Damn near $150.00. Usually no problem. But Cuzzin Bud is in a diabetic coma in Utah. Second Cuzzin Shar is trying to care for Cuzzin Bud, her 5 kids and husband and still trying to string me together. So bill is late. In any other jurisdiction no biggy but not in Heyburn. So I get the second red tag. Come on now, I think, it’ll get paid. Government anything can and does get fuggled up on a regular basis. Too many Chiefs not enough Braves. The change over from Cuzzin Bud to Becky in Blackfoot got squirreled up because some damn intern at SSI in Pocatello , forgot to file the right forms . So it took until mid month to get things in gear for the next SSI check. Hell if I hadn’t went over a few city clerks heads to the Mayor of Heyburn, and explained things, my Christmas would have been spent in the cold, with no lights and only cold food to eat. And all of this from a community that I once believed in. No more. Hell even the fracking mail is not as fast as it was in 2007 when I lived here in the first place.

So January comes, everything gets paid or so I think, and yet Heyburn City wants more. Shit I’m no Cash Bull. My money is limited, the tows are not that numerous, and yet the city of Heyburn City wants more.

No way. I’m seriously looking to go west or east, either way, ASAP.

However , I will be at the next City Council meeting to voice my concerns.

The thing is, why am I getting picked on as much? I’m sure there are as many delinquent accounts as mine, question is , are they hounded as bad?

I will say, that if I do find that there is overcharging , or that I’m being singled out, I will sue as and for as much as I can. Simply put this bullshit has got to stop.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the day:
It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech. - Mark Twain
Galatians 3:26-28“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

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