Not to byte the hand that feeds you but?


Usually , if someone or a company, offers ya’ll money for referring new clients, Its because the company your dealing with has credibility as well as dependability problems, or at least issues.

Even the outfit handling my SSA Payee duties offered me that a couple of months ago.

By the which, if someone is running a good business, it means that at least they answer the phone. If your having problems getting in touch with someone, that someone has something to hide or is running from something.

Of which after March the someone handling SSA Payee services for ye old Wolf here wont be. But that takes time.

Over two months its been a headache. One caused by an SSA employee in Pocatello, that screwed the pooch on paper work and the someone handling my financial affairs on follow through . However its a new year and its time to fix malfunctions. Malfunctions that has caused delays in house rent payments, utility payments among others.

This is not the way to run things.

Over the years gone past , I did criticize my Cuzzin Bud in his decisions, but I could always depend on my rent being paid on time, utility bills paid on time, and walk around money in my hands no later than the 10th of the month. Since his diabetes overtook him, and crap came on that he was incoherent to the point of none operational, that has not been the case.

At least in need , I could always get in touch with Cuzzin Bud. Not this new outfit. Let ya’ll know what happens by weeks end.

More L8R I need some>>>> goodys ad 2 and some

extra sleep, to deal with this situation. All I know is this, if that outfit in Blackfoot Idaho wants to keep handling my SSI Disability Payee services, she better give me a call, PRONTO!!

Until L8R Aviators

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Quote of the day:
There is not any memory with less satisfaction than the memory of some temptation we resisted. - James Branch Cabell
Micah 6:8“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

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