RearView Visions


Move one more town up the list of where not , repeat; not to live.

I used to think that Heyburn Idaho was an okay place, and thought it really spooky that I returned to the same house that I lived in when I stupidly moved back to Idaho.

I will not repeat the reason I ventured back to Idaho, after getting out and all , but for the sake of things lets say it was in search of on air talent for the radio home of Confederate Star Media in Wyoming.

Years ago there was a Vo-Tech Broadcast program created at Boise State University. The idea was, for me and my associate producer at the time to venture up, to BSU, take a gander of the talent, (if any) and go home. That was the basic idea. Little did I know that her boyfriend that my associate told me was her cousin, was both running from the law , after pedaling some high dollar nose candy.

Found out too the BSU Broadcast program had been squished , why not? Shit nothing lasts in Idaho except for things that support growing taters.

Wyoming might be cold climate and weather wize, but at least not too afraid of enabling new business’s to get a leg up and gain some traction.

While Utah may be growing faster than weeds in a cotton field, its too high priced, but that said there are, albeit few, but places in Idaho, where at least there is an infrastructure that gives some foundation to new ventures.

Utah for AyreWolf Aviation , will be as long as we can be there, simply because Bountiful Utah hasn’t regulated us out of there yet. As for me, yes I want to go there simply because although born in Idaho, I was raised between Conyers Georgia and Layton Utah. 6 Months of the year, Dad was stationed at Warner Roberts AFB, there so I stayed with Uncle Bill there in Conyers. The other 6 months of the year I spent with my family in Layton Utah while Dad & Mom did duty at HAFB there.

All that time Dad albeit at mom’s reluctance, silently funded the construction and operation of the Ponderosa Inn in Burley, which in reality is Heyburn. I wish I could sue the parties involved in liquidating that property, as 70% of the sale monies should have been my families as well as MINE!! Statute of limitations sezz I cain’t sue, but damn wish I could. But is there any respect for me or a bit of compromise here for me, even on a temporary utility bill problem? Shit no. At least Idaho Power and such will let you catch up a bit at a time, b4 they cut you off.

Course when one gets to thinking back, the lady who owns this damn house, threw out most of my precious things that I did not get in time, right in the driveway, in the pouring rain and snow of that year. I moved to Pocatello, was okay there until that little piss ant there working as a bikini bar bouncer there in that city, and I got into a pissing match. If I’d have calmed down enough then to figure out who he was on line and all, that it was him, would have had him whacked and been done with it, would’ve been cheaper than everything I have gone through, since early 2008 when I dumbly saw that ad in the Mountain Home News , wanting apprentices in Hammett for a now defunct Nuke power plant. That’s from the would’ves , could’ves, should’ves, file. That said, when the lady that owns this clap trap I live in here in Heyburn , who is also a letter carrier there in Rupert figured out it was me that was getting mail there, and pitched the concept of me moving back into her place, I again , should’ve just said no. But with conditions such as they were in Rupert from two places there, I decided I’d try it one more time.

The lady wanted me in , mainly because she knew I paid rent on time. Hell I know why others didn’t. The utility bills from Heyburn city , damn near bankrupt most people here. No wonder there are so many FOR RENT and FOR SALE signs in Heyburn. Everybody wants to get out of here.

Now I have lived in many places in Idaho, from Montpelier to Boise. From Rigby to Grace, but on my number 2 of the hardest to live in is Heyburn. Oh don’t get me wrong many here are okay people, but when you get a City Hall that keeps dogging you, when your doing the best that you can to pay it off, from going to public aid places like the South Central Community Action Agency Partnerships to get help for the electricity, and pay up for the water and sewer, my my poop must be made of gold, if it costs this much to flush, and considering I just sent em $192.00 , which meant that if I hadn’t gotten lucky and was able to scrap 25 cars I would have had only $17.00 to live on for the month.

Bottom line, I get $1,100.00 a month. $402.00 goes for back child support of two kids. The $698.00 I get from the Feds, $450.00 goes for rent. Get the picture, there’s only so much water in the fountain. The only saving grace is the tow truck business I have, here and AyreWolf Aviation in Utah , of the latter I get maybe 20% of the total income after expenses. This past summer yes we did okay, but not as good as the prior year. The prior year we had several range fires, that tragic as they were put Federal dollars in our pockets. Not this year. Same goes for towing this year. No snow, means to tows, that means low dough.

The solution?

That in my next entry.

Bottom line and I tell this to L&L Manufacturing amongst others, if your thinking of inking a place to do business in Idaho, and especially Heyburn, rethink. Its too expensive.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the day:
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Galatians 3:26-28“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

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