Need Something important done? Don’t put a woman in charge

KNYTE HOWL HEADER If you all ain’t heard this by now, you surely will now.

As you might have heard , unless you have been under a rock was that due to a poor showing and less than good results, Presidential Candidate, Michele Bachmann withdrew her name and suspended her run for the White House. Good too since her platform was based on repealing Obamacare and little of anything else. Poor organization, lack luster funding, and as such her decision was smart.

The entire planet , especially mother Union American nation is just not ready to have a woman President. In fact , and many will call me gender biased, but women just are not equipped or have the executive skills sets to lead or be in charge of ANYTHING. Whether its President of the Union Yankee States, being executive in an office, or preytell in charge of a company dealing with important and executive issues and decisions.

The nation in fact the planet was founded on the basic idea that Man was in charge. This nation was founded on a patriaricle foundation. Men make the rules, men lead and like it or not , man needs in fact its demanded that men are boss, squaw walk in rear.

Take for instance, me and my money situation.

Bud gets really sick, I contact some outfit, in Blackfoot Idaho that runs a SSI Payee service, through two women fuddling around with things, I owe Utilities and some other money things. One transfers operations, a clerk at SSI screws the pooch in paper work, and nothing gets done, in December. The one thing albeit at times contentious , Cuzzin Bud got bills paid and I always had money left over. Mostly because of the money AyreWolf Aviation brought in and I got paid under the table, but things got done, on time, no hassle.

In all my life , I have known only two women , that could take charge , get things straight and get things done, without a ton of manure . The first is my Mom, the other my Aunt Delora the rest of women I have known as long as they were in a subservient mode did fine, but leave things up to them, things get fugled up.

The old adage the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, may have some accuracy, but in the real world, the one with testosterone runs the planet.

Its just the way of things.

I have had a rough day so I’m outta here, but I can see where there is a reason there are more bars in this part of the region than some others, too many women trying to run things  sending men to drink.

At least the LDS church got that part right, after all, you never heard of the Church’s prophet being a woman have you? Always a MAN at the helm, and justifiably so.

L8R Ya’ll

ayretag2  AYRE BANNER 3

Quote of the day:
A newspaper consists of just the same number of words, whether there be any news in it or not. - Henry Fielding
Micah 6:8“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

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