A note of thanx and some others need to take notice

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B4 I get into my rant here, a note of thanks needs to be delivered.

Middle of last month the clutch on LiL Lexi went out. Not having money since SSI payments had been put in suspension until the new Payee was up to speed, and with snow none existent so no towing, or very little tow jobs, I was in deep manure. LiL Lexi is my main source of Transportation. A neighbor that does mobile service and is a direct competitor, without a minute of hesitation, came over, took LiL Lexi to his dad’s shop, fixed up the little S-Dime,, and I was back on the road. With no down payment and waiting still he has not bothered me, nor threatened to hold my little truck for ransom . This is the spirit of brotherhood and kindness that was once the foundation of this area.

So thank you, Fast Truck Service of Heyburn, for your help.

Now then , I can remember when Big Lexi went down in 2009, after $700.00 which is a bit much for what little Jim’s Repair in Gooding did, and had to be redone, and after having to get a loan from Erin, I got the truck back, but couldn’t Jim’s do what Fast did?

Finally, been under the weather, health wise. I’m now having to be on oxygen and a heart monitor. But did that matter to the City of Heyburn? No.

Sure I understand that they have delinquent accounts, and all, but for someone they know all to well, and after them, nearly sending my cousin Bud to the grave the latter half of November for a dillweed deposit, and getting it the next day by 12 hours later, you’d think, that maybe the folks there would have a bit of compassion. No. Here came the city worker without a call ahead, without warning, after they dang well knew that I had secured the power bill From Southern Idaho Community Action Agency, and after the new SSI-payee had called them , telling them the check is in the mail, I get shut off? What would they do if I died because of no air and my heart stopped. They do this to a, reassigned Colonel of the USMC? And then some wonder why there are so many moving out of Heyburn. To L&L Manufacturing, you’d be wise to consider another location for that plant than Heyburn. I know I’m feverishly looking, back to Twin, or to Utah.

Oh yes the bills will be paid and all, but when working with the government State or Federal, things take time to be processed. Things need to be mailed and the mail is no longer over night or in 4 days. Things take time.

Hell yes I’d have loved my Cousin Bud to not be in critical treatment for his diabetes and able to still have things and be able to take care of things in my benefit like he used too. Yes I’d like to be able to do that myself,but both SSI and DoD feels I can’t. So I have to be patient. Yes its frustrating, but what do you do?

So in closing, if your looking to relocate a company,don’t look at Heyburn or Mini Cassia area, no matter what area an economic improvement feller says to you. It ain’t in Mini Cassia Idaho.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
Misery no longer loves company. Nowadays it insists on it. - Russell Baker
1 Peter 1:13“[Be Holy] Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.”

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