How can you run a business without a phone?


In business, timely communication is key to not only getting clients, but keeping them.

But how can you open the doors, much less keep them open without the trusty telephone?

Granted there is all the gizmos like voice mail and all that, and many when out of the office etc don’t want to be bothered at home.

However if you run a people centric business, or a on demand company be it towing or some other immediate crisis service business how can you even do business without a phone?

Sure email, and such are great, but there are times that nothing replaces the up front follow up of a return or sales call. Not to mention the common courtesy of a return phone call from an inquiring customer.

Big companies spend quadzillion bucks on call centers and all and that’s great, but maybe too much for the SMB . Still a one on one call to a client when they need you is essential, whether to gain a client or customer or and most important to retain one.

But again , How can you run a business or be in business without a phone?

Sure such things as traditional landlines used to cost bookoo bucks and at times today , still can. Yes there is things like bundles from cable TV telecom services and the like Vonage that they say is low cost yet to be honest requires still a broad band internet connection which means cable TV internet. But consider, cell phones. The competition is feverish out there. With the stay by courts , the merge between A.T.&.T and T-Mobile is kaput, meaning from Sprint to Verizon and all in between , not having a phone due to mere cost is no longer a real concern, or shouldn’t be.

So finally here this morning, How can you run a business , without a phone/?

More in the afternoon.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the day:
I want to find a voracious, small-minded predator and name it after the IRS. - Robert Bakker
Isaiah 1:16-17“Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

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