Did I miss something?

As the sun begins to set on the frozen tundra of the western Idaho desert. And I'm on the big road in the right seat so I can write this, I relate a few items, that ya'll in the club need to know.

First got the word, from HQ there is BIG money coming from the AyreWolf Aviation to the club, to me. Exactly the amount I mentioned. Got confirmation from Shar so its not just Bud spacing out.

So then in the mail, got a nasty letter from a legal eagle at SOCV. Saying something about our usage of the SOCV logo. Excuse me OUR useage. Yes we did use that as a template but the words in it ain't of, for or anything to that of the SOCV. In fact the art work I did myself. Seems to me that the cause at hand of preserving domestic freedom is much more important than splitting hairs, over a logo design. The other question is and must be asked , why all of a sudden now? I'll tell you why now? Because the Knytes-of-Anarchy as a whole is doing things and putting action behind the Southern Movement that they in the SOCV couldn't, wouldn't. Its plain jealousy and complete none sense. But to ease their puiny little minds, I pulled anything relted to them or their symbol down.

Seems to me Yankee shit to me. Remember fellow Confederate's, the Yankee Union, believes in divide and conquer and that's what their trying to do.

Now b4 I get ou of wifi range here.

Went to the shrink today. The talk went along the lines of me being to sarcastic. Too much internal anger. Again excuse me. Yes I'm damn mad. Mad at some in Idaho, from MHI, to Pocatello and a few in between. I have seen things taken away from me that I thought were untouchable. I have seen back room deals and con games, and lost equipment, Intellectual property as well as land taken away not once or twice, but 4 times. I have seen our club humiliated, insulted and just plain hammered by people who have or had no idea of what we are all about.

In it all, a little credit would have been nice.

From our idea of building a streamin web site for and of military aviation that somebody in Virginia is now making money off of, to news stories that we suggested yet no credit given us or me, in return.

Naw this ain't right.

So yes I'm damn mad, but I deal with it through being sarcastic.

Well connection fading, catch me on WyldAyre, later.

Until we truck the cyber highway again together,

Keep it wings level



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