Strange but true


So there I was in between an episode of Wizards of Waverly Place on the Disney Channel, a show I’m getting into, with the thought of casting Salena Gomez in one of our film projects , and the Dukes, when I thought I’d glance at the latest edition of The Weekly News Journal. First there was that Jay whatshisnuts that ran for re-election and lost, serves him well. This Jay is a real dork. I wont call him a Geek , since Geek , I hear is sheik. In fact I’m really getting into the Big Bang Theory a show that is really ramped up. I guess its the hot blonde on there that fries my pork. She may be a supporting actress, but she carries that show.

But that’s getting off course here.

So I’m reading about this Jay, Whatshisnuts going on some trip to California(wished he’d stayed there) and getting marooned at some as he called it a second rate motel in Mesquite Nevada. According to the description he gave, he went down U.S.-93 , shoot what the fart on a cracker are you going o Mesquite for? U.S. 93 comes to a T, that intersects with I-15, where if you turn right there you can go to Viva Las Vegas, going to Pasadena. Why take the long way?

Then he described his room. He said he was disgusted at the retro era carpet and stained toilet lid. What did you expect Jay? The Hilton? If ya’ll wanted that , should’ve turned right at the 93/15 junction.

Then there was some guy in the Sound-Off , usually edited for content, by Jay and filtering anything negative about the area. The editorial letter was dead on. Darn near what I have been barking about since I got here.

It’s not that the Mini Cassia area of Idaho couldn’t grow, its that the high and mighty bigots here, don’t want it to grow. That was evident when the citizens publicly kicked the idea of a new airport here in the head, there went AyreWolf Aviation, moved that idea 60 miles east.

My cousin was looking seriously at the Snake River Plaza aka the Burley Mall. Between some area distaste for putting that back into operation, and the inability to get in touch with the owners, no do. Despite the fact, that if I and my cousin wanted to make a real legal stink, we could challenge the sale of that property and all behind it. How? The sale was made without the Montgomery Trust(my mom & dads money) getting our fair share of the proceeds of that sale.

Then there was the idea that has been decided would best be in or near American Falls, for KDXB Radio/HazzardAyre TV , that we had in mind for the Mini Cassia area of Idaho. That would have put 40 new jobs here. But noooo , kicked in the teeth.

Then there is the two newsrags here. The Voice, and The Weekly News Journal. Who have repeatedly refused to publish my comments. Don’t they realize that the reason I never bought display ad space for my personal business with them, is because they are too damn bullheaded to run my editorial comments?

This list goes on, but until some new blood gets pumped in here both politically and all that Mini Cassia Idaho will remain stagnant and stalled as it was when J.R. Simplot closed down the tater factory.

More in the day.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the day:
I don't generally feel anything until noon; then it's time for my nap. - Bob Hope
Psalm 118:5-6“When hard pressed, I cried to the LORD; he brought me into a spacious place. The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

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Quote of the day:
An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory. - Friedrich Engels



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