Rebel Rouser

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Even God took a day off. Over the last 8 years or so, outside of some rare needed rests, I have not completely taken a day off from my duties, both for the club , nor the company. However as fait would have manifested itself, since my cell phone is kaput until after the first of the month. Hey the slim pay check I get from Boss , only goes so far. So since no phone, outside of being really needed for going toewing or for a real air emergency, I’m taking the next two weeks off from all, and I mean  , ALL MY DUTIES!!!  .  I need to unwind from the heavy weights of dealing with a City government that has its head up its ass, to dealing with trying to find some office/studio space in this village, to house KDXB and HazzardAyre/Confederate-Star Radio.

HazzardAYRE the newspaper gets into full circulation and will for the first time, be an (outside of Knytes members) be a paid subscription newspaper. Let’s see what happens when both the Weekly News Journal and The Voice, get frogged over , and HazzardAyre becomes the local official newspaper. More over lets see if the Times News craps in its Mini Cassia drawer, over the fact they will have real competition.

Speaking of Newspapers, I’d crap down both legs , if just once either of the current newspapers here in Mini Cassia Idaho, would print one of my editorials. Makes no fret of mine, since rebel style news reporting is here on HazzardAyre as well as in the pages of HazzardAyre the newspaper.

In any flyte. I’ll be watching from overhead, as I’ll be putting more time gaining seat time for flying, so don’t despair , I’m near. But I’m resting my cranium.

Until Feb 1st, Keep it wings level.

L8R Aviators

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Quote of the day:
Rules are just helpful guidelines for stupid people who can't make up their own minds. - Seth Hoffman
John 8:31-32“[Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus’ Opponents Are] To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.””

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