What SAMCRO Really Does


There are days like this one that I’m thankful I still have a brain that functions, at least on a partly and able status level.

Situation: Cuzzin Bud has diabetes, his abilities to manage SAMCRO as well as my own business financial affairs is in question in fact Cuzzin Bud no longer can do that requiring an over due installation of a replacement. So first I try to get this PSR guy I have to get involved, problem ; he is still is school. No can answer the phone. Making me question the need for him anyway. Not that he has not been helpful as far as a pack mule once in awhile, but past that not very. When it comes to a real problem, he has not the capacity or ability. Once I get finished moving into the new Wolf’s Lair, this PSR and Alliance Family Services is history.

Okay so earlier in the week , called SSI, they sezz yes for a short term, I can be my own payee. Then inquire about getting paper work from SSI so I can get things straight with the bank, guess what, SSI sezz I still need a outside payee. So researched the condition, found an outfit out of Blackfoot Idaho that does this payee thing, paper work submitted by December 1st, new payee. Plus help in getting things rearranged for November. Thing is I had to do all of this , MYSELF, and yet I’M THE ONE WITH THE DISABILITY.  Makes one wonder why I even need a Payee in the first place, don’t it?

Now here is another observation on this condition situation.

I began to think , what about people, like my Cuzzin Bud, who is now so incapacitated that he really can’t manage his own affairs or at least manage them properly, let alone dealing with the Federal Government/ SSA? What’s he supposed to do? Let bills etc pile up until the point of shut down or turn off? Let alone maybe being homeless?

In the same lane, what about others in the state of Idaho, especially those who are returning from battle, in Afghanistan, or Iraq etc. Wounded Warriors, who get benefits, but need help managing them? What do they do? Who do they go to? There is the Wounded Warrior Project, as well as a couple of other outfits back east, but here in the west and Pacific Northwest especially Idaho, where does, wounded Vets etc go for help. More over anyone go for help with these issues. The other question, is; Why is eastern Idaho gifted with two services that handle this kind of thing, one in Pocatello that is so full they are turning many away, and lucky for me one in Blackfoot that does this? Is it Eastern Idaho is where such facilities such as State Hospital South is located and thus more of a client base or is there another reason?

Used to be that heck even Boise had mental and medical outpatient services . Twin Falls had some as well, yet it seems for all that is important, western Idaho, has caught a real thing of domestic urban blight, and thus succumbed to dieing in ways that are past sheer economics, but people needing services not being able to acquire them.

The other observation is, as far as being a Payee service , what does it take to become one? Could SAMCRO add this as part of our member services, or at least to wounded warriors etc , in the community, even if they are not a member of SAMCRO?

Its a real shame that a wounded warrior like myself, has to muddle through all this crap, when there are supposed to be services like Alliance that assigns me a PSR, or that one SSI employee, tells me one thing, then does another. The fact I had to crawl through this mine field myself, is bad enough. Even turning to the forking Morons and the LDS Church that occasionally gave me some help, sezz we dunno? Wuzz up with that? Different subject for a different discussion, I’d just asoon tell the Morons to excommunicate me and get it over. Thing is the LDS Church owes me plenty. I’ll relate that in another entry another day. But what about our people?

In closing, its a damn shame, that those of us that need services, need to get em ourselves, when we are the wounded warriors and disabled, that have to hit the trenches to get em ourselves?

SAMCRO cain’t heal the world or even the Union , but it seems we are doing more for those that need it than just about anyone, which goes to the point, that to understand a situation or condition , you need to have suffered through the same situation or condition yourself. Most of SAMCRO’s membership are wounded as well as retired(reassigned) warriors, who have served in the US, Marines or Navy, as well as Army, and Air Force.

Warriors do not make policy, civilians in DC do, but its us who serve that enforces those policies and decisions. While we are at war or not we always feel we are doing battle. If it wasn’t for my Marine and military training, as well as the brotherly love from and family of SAMCRO, I’d have been bonkers a long time ago and bouncing off the wall in a padded room somewhere.

The really sad thing? SAMCRO is the only ones doing anything regarding these issues not just giving lip service or going on TV with our hand out wanting money.



my ayre tail CLUB CARD 2


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