Ever catch the increase in cityfied stupid lately, it's groovy to live in the country where things are not so complicated



Have you seen the increase of those who live in the city. I call it cityfied. I'm thankful that I live here in the Kountry, where things are not so blooming complicated. Our only big things are cattle getting out on one-lane roads, or the squirrels in the attic. Or thinking Ms. Hackney cutting a corner a bit fast in the school bus. She could be a NASCAR driver. 

We don't get upset easily, and up to just about a very few years ago, this thing they call the Internet and/or computer anything was something from StarTrek. Today its a bit different, most of the local telecoms here, have no idea about fiber optics, or bandwidth. Heck Ms. Tizzdale at the Hazzard Phone Company, still thinks the only place for speed is on the roads on her motorbike. I love living here. Sure Twin Falls boasts what? 45,000 people at the last census count, but its still very much a farm country town, with farmers and agriculture being the major industry. Maybe that's why I know how to stay working, and figuring out how to do things. Not just go to town to buy some widget, but to get out steel, my welder, my torch and build the widget. that's how you do it on the farm and in life. It's the old thing of, when life or a task gives you lemons, you make lemonade. The Club too is changing. We have talks going on right now to consolidate all our organizations, under the SAMCRO MC label. Move the Knytes both south and east of here, and putting Hazzard south of Malta, resurrecting the old ghost town called Strevelle, in Hazzard Idaho. Anything here will be under SAMCRO MC Idaho, we need them as much as they need us. HQ the WolfPack in Utah, where they are more military-friendly, considering both Morgan and/or Tooele Utah as sites. Whatever else is left, will be under the leadership of our Indian Springs Nevada Charter. As far as the radio gig, it'll still be here, but ran under the leadership of SAMCRO MC Idaho. Me, Still trying to figure out where I'm going to be. that will be determined after upgrading my flight status in Cedar City Utah at SUU. For now, it's kick back and enjoy the flight. On the air now, will update at 06:00.

Tootle Loo


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