I want to be one of those people who interviews the anchor women on fnc
I want to be the guy at FNC, who interviews the anchor women and even reporters that are on airs. Seems as though there are 3 criteria's, that must be met, not so much for FoX's Business Channel, but for FNC itself, must say on the clip board. Big jugs, long lucious legs, and blonde hair. LONG blonde hair. Maybe someone did not tell American women this or many of our ladies missed the memo, but bug jugs are not the in thing, and in my opinion, never were. Of course having a mental standard as my high school honey Peggy,
might have something to do with it, maybe not. The blonde curls don't hurt, but there's all too many phony blondes, there is only one way to tell a true blonde. I had thought that the idea of filtering new hires of any gender, was out the window, after that Harvey Weinstein, dabacle a year or so ago, and I thought the movie, Bombshells, would have shown the light on that condition at FNC, yet I need to wonder is the gatekeeping standard still there? Must be. Now you see the street reporters are not so well chested, but those anchoring such headliner shows as FoX And Friends are not starving their children. From the looks of it their kids are well fed, if you catch my grip. Then there's the legs. Now I typically base my interviews for the radio station and our media werx, on fine legs, tiny feet dainty toes, and well pedicured. But I always thought it was just me. Here lately that does not seem to be the case. In fact I saw one that was covering news headlines, this morning, and her chest was amassed with product. But hey who does that job? Who's the interviewer? I'd truly love to know. Now most of us having to deal with human resources management things, knows you can't really not hire because of gender, religion(tell that to the Mormons and one other Church here in our area) Race, or age, except there is minimum ground floor you can't hire, under age 16, for many openings in a company, but can you not hire some one because of body size, or for that matter lack of looks(yea tell that to Congress, after you take a gander of Nancy Pelosy)? Ugh. Wouldn't it be nice if we could ? I just want to know who hires who at FoX News Channel(FNC) ? More on this later in the day.

Plus I want to tease you with this to a subject that needs to be looked into more. First I want to say a grand and glorious thank you, to the crew at SparkLight, Cable/Internet. Even though our payments have been lean, they have been patient and more than helpful, in keeping us on the air. Unlike CenturyLink, and Google that just had to suspend our account with them, because they could not comprehend the condition, of waist high snow, getting to the post office to mail a bill. And as well as the delay it getting to them. Yet SparkLight, seems to have changed its attitude and is one of the reason, we are staying with them, but where did all the stuff go, that I ordered go? Is Fedex, and UPS, that geographically challenged? Or just mentally challenged? Stay Tuned.
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