yESTERDAY I died, well not really died, just went to sleep and did not wake up.

Yesterday at 06:00 I went to bed and had no intentions of waking up, period. The fact that I'm scratching this out now, is the results of the Great White Spirit, saying my mission on Earth is not done yet, but my I wish it would be up soon. After all I have done everything that any human could and can do, I have lived a life that many would only dream of, and I have seen more things than any human should have done. Of course the abilities on a personal level has been toned down pending the final payouts of the law suit that the Montgomery Trust brought against Western Mortgage, company. But I'm okay. My big mistake has been depending on PoohBear to cough up money each month, and when she skips that payment of her dues to the Knytes, she fibs about it. I have always told her if she's going to hold up money, or send less, tell me ahead of time so I can make adjustments in the monthly budget. I would be lying myself if I said that if someone of even moderate means and looks were to step into my picture that I would say lets bunk up. But too PoohBear is about the only woman I've known, that can put up with my lifestyle and me put up with her mood swings. Granted prior to moving back here to western Idaho, I was in a better financial picture, and had I known everything that has happened would have happened, I would have never picked her up at the bus stop to begin with. Nor reunited with her twice. But they say 20/20 is hindsight. 
More L8R.


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