There's a time when to point fault, and a time to just shut up.

So there I was, went out to the shop, checked on the drying of the fiberglass we laid out to form a console in Mini Wolf, and thought it was time to snag a sweet roll, and some Skoal. Now Hannah is working again overnight, and the people who own that place know how valuable a human resource Hannah is as well. Hannah does 4 times the work at that store. I love tenacity, and ambition. Been trying to talk Hannah out of there since I moved back to this grubby medium sized city. So she rang everything up, now she darn well knows that me stopping in for just a bottle of ice sweet tea, and Skoal, is more of a reason to go there to see her, rather than just buy product. However the Skoal rack or flavor I wanted was empty, so I took what she handed out. Never in twenty million years would I tell Hannah that she made a mistake. There are just some times its just best to shut up. Being nice to that particular Maverick store, has garnered us with the honor of being the one tow service for their tow a way's. Sure I could have growled about the wrong flavor of Skoal, but is it worth it? There are other times you need to speak up and howl as loud as you can. Example, the mini minded slant eyed gook, over at Denny's. Sure I teased a helluvalot with the waitress's there, but that still never gave this boy pal of one of those waitress's from jumping up my butt. That's a great way to get fed your own insides. Especially when the waitress, Alexis, was at fault as well. As she didn't mind the $15.00 and $20.00 tips. She also knew and knows I'm very much hitched, which apparently she forgot, to explain to the boy-pal. I thought my, what a dive this has become. BTW, no reply to the request from that Denny's to getting my money back on that meal. 
Then of course there are the talent searches. I thought, we had that problem solved with that Jennifer from Sun Valley, Idaho. Now I may be losing the ability to communicate well or something, but how hard is it to grasp the fact that me going towing, and all that I'm awake and working, at night, sleep during the day until mid afternoon don't or didn't she get? Of course there was the $15,000.00 fee for doing a talent search on our behalf. Funny, I have been to countless talent auditions and such in Salt Lake City, and none of which cost me a penny. So in essence I told this Jennifer, to take a powder and we'll get back to her. Same results as when we tried to book through her back in 1986 or so, when we were first establishing that charter in Blackfoot. As much as Twin Falls and its immediate area has advanced, it's still a medium sized farm town and you don't or are not speaking farm, forget it, what ever it is. Any mile.
Catch ya'll on the bounce around.


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