I must be the only man on Earth, that will go into his grave with 2 things, a really smelly lady's nylons under my chin, and a roll of Skoal for the trip.

I am fully convinced that on the day they put me inside LexiBelle, and get ready to plant me, in that grave in Grace Idaho, that there will be at least 2 things inside the cab of that truck that will be my casket. One; is a really raunchy smelling, well worn pair of pantyhose, placed just under my chin, and a roll of SKOAL 
 by my side for that very long journey. The ongoing struggle of why I hunger for that aroma, of slight musky smell, of a woman in nylons of some sort, is truly beyond me. I am continuing to research this, simply out of personal curiosity. I had a shrink practioner once tell me, that its part of a sexual fantasy that never has been fully fulfilled. That if one lady did, the craving would subside. Nah ain't buying that, since our Nurse GoodBody, had her feet in my face every night at the studio. Then there's those, that even though married, even though she understands fully what she is doing, even in Church, that dangles her high heel so temptingly that I'm giving more attention to her than the lesson, being taught, or talk being given. In fact one of the benefits, of going to Church, or at least it used to be, was that at church at least there was women who if no other time, wore nylons, with a skirt and or a dress. Just like last week, on the same pew bench as I was on , was a older lady, plus or minus my age wearing, yup, you got it, nylons. I so badly wanted to get down on the floor and lap that up, but at least I was able to put my toungue in my cheek, and ignore to a point, that craving. Met a gal, online in FB, named Mary, who is a Tarot card reader, I'm praying she will drop down here from Boise and visit me and help me explore why such a craving as my hunger for nylons on a lady is so much of an obsession. Maybe, maybe not.
With all that said, yes I target that in every film I produce, ever commercial I shoot, every posting I do. I always decide on candidates for our gigs, on if and how she wears nylon hosiery. No stockings? No hire, that simple.
The only thing too is and I'm very picky about this, when I see a photo that I am considering on using, as a enhancement to my art work, is if I can nearly smell her scent through the photo. I want to see the dripping sweat, I want to imagine the flavor and texture. If I can't the shot is too staged and thus too phony. Anybody want to help in the research? 


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