Things you may have missed on the TV show from which we get our organizations name.

I often wonder about fandom, as well as those that only think they know everything about a TV show or film.
First, lets clear up something. My adoration, and affection for all things Hazzard, has not weened, nor have I quit wanting to see the series revived. With that said, whether its Ben, the rest of the cast, or any of that unlike when the series was hot, has not contributed nothing to the Hazzard Knytes, since about 2001. Nothing. Now I'm not going to throw dirt on anything here, nor manure on the Dukes, series. But I feel the need to open my mouth on a few things. For all the power hungry folks, who dug the ole General Lee, and all. Understand in the pilot movie of and for the Dukes, called the MoonRunners, the guy was named Bobby Lee, his stock car was named by the same name as Robert E's horse, Traveler. Next, the Dukes was not the first exposure to things Hazzard, that Ben got involved in. Ben was one of the revenuers, on the movie, and third the County was Shiloh not Hazzard. Alrighty then. I wonder where the loyalty to Robert E, went on the Dukes. Remember the episode, where the sword of General Jackson was stolen? It was General Jackson Days, not General Lee days. Why didn't they do the ep, as General Lee Days? I loved the shimmery gray outfit Daisy wore in the ep, but again, where did that loyalty go? Why did, the producers bumble through at least 4 other actors for the main fix it guy in Hazzard, before they landed on Ben as Cooter? Did you ever wonder why, on the show Sailor Creek was named Sailor Creek? Sailor Creek is a dry creek on Bell Rapids, near Hagerman- aka Hazzard Idaho. One of the reasons I remain here, where I'm at is because its near to Hazzard, Idaho. And the project now is to reignite the Club, from where it was founded. Our Flagship Charter, has lost all but three members besides myself, in Hazzard, many are deployed, the rest are either married or moved away searching for greener fields to plow. Two, will never as they say, ever return to this area. The Original 3rd VP of the Club is in Lost Wages Nevada, and has declared that he will never return. The closest he'll get ever is when we have a meeting or pow wow at Indian Springs(mentioned once on SOA). The Hazzard Knytes however are just as viral, and operational as ever, and make up a third of the entire Hazzard Syndicate membership. 50,000 at last count. The WolfPack make up 100,000 in membership, the Deere Dazzlerz Association make up 50,000 originally aided in formation by Larry H Miller CEO (now deceased) and Coach Sloan, of the Utah Jazz. Think that race track near Tooele Utah was a accident? The KnyteWolvez, make up, 150,000 membership and so on. But we are just as solid as ever, but we need to focus on rejuvinating, our flagship charter, and that's why I remain in Twin Falls, 35 miles from Hazzard. You have never lived if you have never seen a Hazzard sunrise, from Oster Lakes, or the swamps next to the Snake River. It is breathtaking. I'll have to shoot some video to show you. And talking about feet and toes, do you realize that the entire gig was created out of locating and acquiring, a pair of white GO-GO boots in 1981? More on that in my next post. I need to clear some other things up here. When the support from the TV show producers dropped from the Hazzard Knytes, it was a group of Marine properly discharged including myself that saved the Hazzard Knytes. If it hadn't been for the support of the VMA214 USMC BlackSheep, and all that we created the AyreWolvez from, there would not be the Hazzard Knytes today. Likewise, if it hadn't been for Kurt Sutter, and all from SOA, kicking in some cash to our stash we would have been SOL, in 2008. All our subsidiaries are all loyal members of the Hazzard Knytes. Whether its the AyreWolvez aka the WolfPack, or the Knytes-of-Dixie MC(the real SAMCRO MC) all begin their journey, in at at the Hazzard Knytes first. 
Much to do today, getting ready, to get back on the air next week, it wont be as it was just yet as ole Bessie is still DOA, but we will muddle through. New gear in the studio, and a huge amount of voice-tracking. 
Until L8R Ya'll Keep it between the Ditches.


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