Coronavirus is killing brain cells, must be why people are getting more stupid these days, and oh, yes, Google and Facebook, can I verify you?

I have figured it out, well sort of. This Coronavirus is killing off the brain cells of people. That's why they are going tribal and bizzerk. Saw where one bunch was fighting to the point of a stabbing at a Walmart over TP, then saw about the same thing between two wallruss's at another Walmart over hand sanitizer. Really folks? Forest Gump said Stupid is as Stupid does, well hey america, time to look at yourself in the mirror. The Confederates are working as hard as we can as fast as we can to fix things, but these dang Yankee's make our work even tougher. 
Okay then, finally after what now 3 months, got my verification card from Google-My Business, for HCC. After all this, it says pending review. I have a question, Google and the Alphabet companies as well as even Facebook, how about me verifying you? Can that turbin head verify his H1 Visa? That's near the H1-nd-1 dead end ain't it. No I'm not complaining nor bitching, I just want to ask a simple question. If the can verify me, and gather information about me and all, how  about me being able to do the same to them? 
More L8r 
Heavy Rescue is on. 


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