oF COURSE I couldn't finish my thoughts there. How I miss my Micro-Crap LIVE WRITER

First question; has Google ran its best race, and is now just trying to catch up? Or has the immigration mess's pissed off Google's employees so dang bad that they are taking it out on anyone who really writes the truth? As its now day 4, 72 hours, since Google MyBusiness took down our listing, for AyreWolf Aviation, and at current running, Google's farting around is going to cost them $72,000.00 and climbing, until one of their gurus wakes up, and reinstates our listing. Yup, we are suing Google, and the idiots at Google My Business. There was no dang reason to pull our listing, much like what WordPress did. No warning. Shoot, if your going to pull that crap at least send a notice. But I do give some credit to WordPress, they did at least give us albeit not all we lost, but they did give us a refund. 
The big stink, is, can you send us a store front? What, send you a pic of the hangars? Or our office that's in our new location? Or perhaps they wanted to see a photo, of us landing at St. Lukes with a seriously injured patient. The question was from them was do you go to the location of customers? I wouldn't exactly call accident patients customers, but yea, the only time we see them is when they come to pay their bill, or arrange a none emergency medical transport. We go to them, NOT the other way around. Weird crap going on over at Google, although, I still use a business Gmail with them, our website is now part of that with the WolfPack at www.knytewolfradio.com and we're currently working to get a site of our own built at GoDaddy. I even pulled most of the Google stuff from Desktop to browser off mini compooter, this one is pretty much next. Most of anything club can still be sent to knytesofanarchy@yahoo.com or hwyhooker@hotmail.com . Even if they do offer 1gig in Salt Lake City, I wouldn't sign up with them for nothing, and two, don't , I repeat; DON'T BUY a GOOGLE CHROMEBOOK. Why, if one of those turbin heads at Google get's upset with you, no computer, no 1gig Internet. In short; 
 L8R Ya'll 


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