What does Stinky News really mean?

Before I get into my rant here. I want to clear something up from one of our other newsletters. First, while it may not completely cure the Coronavirus, Covid19 can be thwarted and detuned, by the use in your home with doTerra. I use 2 maybe 3 mixtures. All which include two main ones, Cedarwood, and Jasmine. The Orange peel, also helps as does the lemon. In short in makes the virus think thrice from invading your home. With that said, there is a very, very sweet Angel in Wendell Idaho , by the name of Kathleen. Thing is and she is the only one that I allowed to do this, but one afternoon when I was residing there, and was pissing around about how bad my life was in the toilet, Kathleen took me in the laundry area, and gave me one serious sit down, pull my boot straps up talking to. For a few days I was a bit sore, but that talking to shaped me right, up. I think we all need a attitudinal tune up once in awhile. Outside of going into big histories and long stories here, Kathleen is one of a very few people that I know is is, very anti judgemental . No matter what it is, even if its a bit on the outfields of decency, I can talk to Kathleen, about anything. The answer might not be what I was desiring, but I still get an honest answer.
Okay then; Stinky News:
When we are talking about covering stinky news, we are not talking of smelly feet, etc, although I use those metifores as a reference. Rather about subjects, not covered by mainstream, or even shadowy news channels. Example: We all know about this Coronavirus thing. How its stopping life as we know it in its tracks, etc. So I got to pondering, what about the brothels in Wells? If you were to catch a bug of some kind, that'd be a purtty good place to catch it. What effect has this Coronavirus thing had on their business? Has anyone asked? That's something you will not find covered on Ch-7 News at 5pm. And especially the Senior citizen channel of the valley, KMVT. Why do I say KMVT? Simple, what other newscast are you going to watch that has 4 very overweight anchors, and two guys that look like death warmed over, except Senior Citizens that only listen to the blooming thing. Course outside of Bri, CH-7, the rest of that crew as far as weathercasters are dried up and aging as well. When it comes to the obscure, the off camber, and off beat fight the system news and views that's what we do. 
That's what Stinky News Is.
L8R Aviators.


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