If you have ever tried to find an article in the Times News of Twin Falls Idaho, don't bother; It ain't there


If you've ever wanted to dig in the ancient pages of the Times-News  of Twin Falls Idaho, don't bother, it ain't there. If it is your getting a one of, but sadly you have to rake out a credit card to read it. Yup, ya'll gotta pay, for a blooming subscription, just to find a specific article. There is no justice. In researching the article that hit in 1942, about a UFO, landing in Twin Falls Idaho, that was spotted in that episode, was the Times-News. Now with that said, it's not to be found. Why is that. Did the fibbing government of ours, sweep that article as well as any information on the happening? Or is it just the idiocy of the editors and writers of the Times-News? Considering their move, albeit just up the street, on 2nd West, there might have been some manuscripts lost. If so, how did the producers of a major TV show like; Ancient Aliens, get ahold of it? You never get a straight answer from anything of or with the Times-News, and the fact they crawled in bed with KMVT-CH11 here, the original writings been shit canned. Now let's move on to, two competitors of us here, although there really is no comparison, to us here at HazzardAyre, still, except for us Twin Falls has no independent news source. Even KEZJ(which I named years ago), is in bed with the Times, or as we call it, the Slime News. While there are many that consider, my long unkempt hair, the fact that I wear clothes that really could use washing if I had the time, and don't ask why we, rather I don't hire someone to do that,(trust me I've tried) some say I look too creepy, or blame me for crap I ain't done, nor even considered doing. Be that as it is, I see and observe. I search out news and information, that nobody else does. I see what others don't even consider. I call it observing the Human condition, and yes here in Twin Falls that condition is very bad. There is more backstabbing here and frauds here than even Metro-Utah. While many would move or run away from this really ancient primatal, society, I and the Knytes, stand ready and the WolfPack is licking our teeth to rip into the junk here, and fix it. Even if it requires one of us to run for city or county office. When it comes to the just electorial bullshit we just witnessed, I say, there is a very real solution, it stands and salutes one flag,
 and we're ready to spill blood 
The question are you? 



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