It's a Grand Hazzard County Day.


It is a very albeit cloudy, Hazzard County Day . I got up at 23:00 last night and ain't been to bed yet. I had thought I had that indoscopy today. Nope, it's next week. So I was starving myself for nothing. So I treked over to our local Maverick, where my sweet Nicole works. Got me a Dr. Pepper, two milks and 2 maple bars. Scarfed one down, and am about to attack the other here in a few. Got most of my engineering on the studio done, and come this evening it'll be HazzardAyre Radio, on . I think a nap is in order. 

Seems anytime I get stressed or bound up in the brain drain department, I just kick back, and surround myself with sounds and music of hazard and southern Kountry. My Hazzard County rests about 35 to 40 miles west of here, of the berg of Twin Falls. The only thing Twin Falls needs to do, considering it's Victorian bassakwards aptitude and attitude, is tear up the streets, put stanchions by all the business's here, so you got a place to tie the horses too. Twin Falls while it looks like its progressive, is so far behind even surrounding communities. Take Burley against Twin Falls. Burley's Mall is all full, no space to lease, there. The streets are well manicured, it has TWO cable companies, Two Utilities, for power and Gas, is brimming over with industry. While Twin Falls has one and soon to close two factories. The latter, is closing, soon. So why don't I move there? Trust me we are sniffing that area heavy. The core of my entry to Hazzard County started in nearby in Paul Idaho, and has been a companion ever since. To me Hazzard County, not so much Dukes, has been my guiding light. If I'm about to do something, I think, what would Uncle Jessie Duke, think about it? I love agriculture, I am a farmer, at heart, I grew up farming. Except the 13 years I resided in Utah, while My mom and Dad, finished their military service there. But every summer up to finding Hazzard County, I was in Hazzard farming. After the Hazzard Fever grabbed me, I was at the Hollywood version of the Dukes, as a mechanics apprentice, those summers will be cherished for life. 



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