A new ball game, but where were the greys?


Sorry no replays. Have not seen one redoux from this mornings inauguration, but I'm sure there will be some right or left wing TV network will carry it, somewhere. All through this past election, I have heard, Red states, I have heard Blue states, my big question is, where the hell was our Grey states? Yes the Confederacy? Where was our Confederate patriots? We barked and howled about the destruction of our southern heros, We have the Dems, Repubes, and now a forming Patriot party, but there is already a 3rd viable political party out there, that has not hardly if at all heard from all through this past election season, I and Stephen Monk, and others have been beating on the table for 10 plus years, on a party called the Confederate National Party. We started forming that with the support of my brethren in both the Knytes as well as the WolfPack, the notion, that the Repubes, the Demorats, are wrong and way too corrupted. But that we as those who feel, Abe Lincoln was a liar, cheat, and thief. Jefferson Davis had it right in 1865 as well as 2021. Yet the pleas I made, that Stephen made and the Knytes made have fallen on deaf ears and un-noticed by blind eyes. With Biden in the hot seat and Trump getting the bump, we still have 4 damn years, to power up our arms, our ears, and airwaves, and get the CNP, in front of the ignorant as well as arrogant THE CNP, is ready, are you? More on tonight's show. Starting at 23:00 Mountain Standard Time, on ayrewolffm.com 



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