But I did like the shoes on the floor.
Good Friday, TGIF, to ya'll. I do think we gotta a go getter, in place. Found out that she is in the hospital, getting treated for seizures. Hope she makes it. She is one and I'll let her do her own introductions after she gets out of the hospital and heals a bit. But I like her. No, haven't smooched her feet (yet), or anything, but as I suggested during her interview, certain plans of the Club, she was all in the let's git-r-done
mode so I'm encouraged. That said she is after all in the prospect stage, so we see what flows. We will see how she blends in, accepts our southern Confederate ways and attitudes, and performs in doing the assignments given to her. Okay, I'm on borrowed time so I'm busting butt to get this out before CL unplugs me getting ready to fire up the fiber.

I often get CONDEMNED AND HASSTLED ABOUT the methods of testing both longevity, and durability of a newcomer, into our midst. The thing is these tests, are just that. Does, especially the feminazi's that enter, have the stuff to be a Knyte or a Cro-person? The foot kiss in just part of that. That foot kiss
is our way of determining will she shy away from any and all tasks, or will she wrinkle her nose and fade out. Does she have the sustainability, and the ability, to just keep her mouth shut about what goes on under our roof. Not that we ever do anything really criminal, we DON'T RUN GUNS, we do not import weed, but we do import factory whistle, at 200 plus proof. Even today that's frowned on, by revenuers. Our male prospects are put to just as difficult and strenuous challenges. Most and this is one area we are different from our namesake, and that is women are allowed to become sworn in, patched, voting members of the Knytes(SAMCRO MC IDAHO) men though are a bit different. Thank goodness mine healed well, but at the ceremonious indoctrination, male members, use a daktar knife, slice open the palm of the right hand, and bleed into a saucer below a large lit candle. After which the attending members and the new member drink that blood, and the member becomes our blood and vice versa. Women prospects go through something similar, but I will not go into detail about it here.
oKay here is my final approach. I made the extremely expensive return to this half ass'd backtwat town 4 years ago, with two goals. Reunite and re-establish this western Idaho Charter of the Knytes(SAMCO MC IDAHO) and reactivate our mouthpiece KTOW FM. That last goal is about to be reached, so yes we are combing the area for at least 6 ladies that have eye cand sizzle, and a voice to match. With that goal nearly reached, a reunification, and a few patchovers, Our mini Sturgis Jam, has been put off until 22, due to this Covid BS. But that doesn't mean it ain't going to happen. As for me, I decided to stay put here, but there is that matter of LexiBelle, and bringing her home, so I can massage her back to perfect health, and of course my flight school, in Cedar City Utah. Hey, I'm not going to ground myself. I may have body planted on two wheels or 6 on the ground, but my head and heart is still in the sky.
If its at all possible, see ya'll tonight, on spreaker.com/ayrewolf

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