Women are simply more cold than us male corpuscles.
I was reading this article that suggests we male corpuscles are warmer and more hot-blooded than women. I became acutely aware of the sitch while working overnight with a great intern here at the Wolf's Den. Now granted the heating system here isn't the greatest, and if sitchs had been different over the last few months, this would not be a challenge. But it's getting finished. But this is not the only thing about women in our workspaces. Women cause problems. They claim to not want too much flirtation, yet, because we ARE male, our minds for the most part are in our groins, not always between our ears. Our olfactory senses are very acute as well, especially us male Werewolves. Yea I am one. So the floating perfume and smells of waxy lipsticks, makeup, even eyeliner, brings our erogenous zones firmly in ready to launch zone. We just can't help it. The sitch don't end there.
I have seen many quotations of things, like women are willing to assume the same risks as men in given workspace operations. I say not so. Men will enter office structures without the need, for escorts or stand by bodyguards. They come in, do their tasks, and go home, or elsewhere. Women will not do that. Excluding however military women, especially women who fly. 
they are always ready to fly into harm's way. One of the reasons, I'll prefer to hire a female Marine, aviator, but that don't happen very often. I'm stuck with 28 and younger, skittish, still teen-minded women, who need the reason to always be messing with a Cell smartphone, communicating with a male sig other, to make sure they are safe. My question is always, why? While the banner on the door is that of a motorcycle club, there is much more going on here, than just repair of Harley's and towing. This place is a Military Installation, of and for the WolfPack Squadron, aka the AyreWolvez. We operate under a very strict code of conduct. And while the foot smooch test is always an application hiring factor, that is what it is always limited to. There is no fraternizing, dating, or social interaction, that is not part of an on-air spoof or bit. While in years prior, during our formation in the late 1960s to mid-1990s that might have been a concern. Hey, we were young studs in aircraft, birds and babes, was a thing. Today most of us have grown up, most of us have wives and families. And while I don't have that directly, there is a sweet lady in Jerome Idaho, that is my human lady, and all 5 of her kids, call me Uncle, or Daddy. Hey, it's a sitch under construction. But instead of sticking around to look further and learn more. Many get spooked and split. Leaving me with my work and what I hired them to do. With the new Biden administration, now firmly in place and while I have no idea who will be the labor secretary, I'd like to enact a law that gives employers the ability, to either withhold wages, or charge for interview time, for women who just tease or do an interview, and then leave, without saying a damn word. I charge $80.00 for a tow, and $200.00 an on-air hour at the station, if I'm not generating money because, I have to take time, for an interview, some lasting several hours, then the applicant don't show, I want to bill that applicant for those hours. Anyway, waiting for CenturyLink, to come to lay in the final piece, then its power, to horsepower, with the hottest internet connection in Twin Falls, Idaho. For you, it means an online program stream, that simply More this evening on air. spreaker.com/ayrewolf

With the new Biden administration, now firmly in place and while I have no idea who will be the labor secretary, I'd like to enact a law that gives employers the ability, to either withhold wages, or charge for interview time, for women who just tease or do an interview, and then leave, without saying a damn word. I charge $80.00 for a tow, and $200.00 an on-air hour at the station, if I'm not generating money because, I have to take time, for an interview, some lasting several hours, then the applicant don't show, I want to bill that applicant for those hours.
Anyway, waiting for CenturyLink, to come to lay in the final piece, then its power, to horsepower, with the hottest internet connection in Twin Falls, Idaho. For you, it means an online program stream, that simply
More this evening on air. spreaker.com/ayrewolf
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