Lyfe is all about a series of delays


Getting ready to go on air or should I say Ayre here in a few centons. 

I watched with some pre thoughts the President's speech other night and thought if this imbasil, is having cognitive problems, and he has his finger on that BIG RED BUTTON, that we are in a heap of shit. Now he wants to make maternity, flight suits, really? I mean, I want one where I can unload my bowels at 80,000 feet, in my suit and it go somewhere. Not in the byrd I'm flying. We used to call that a pilot's relief tube, but that's for pissing, not unloading your colon. I want one of THOSE devices. 

Lyfe is an endless set of delays. If you make a Doctors or such appointment expect to wait a bit to see the Doc, even though YOU were early. You call up a utility say to adjust your bill, even to upgrade your services, but hey you get put on what I call the ignore button, and it's the same damn music that has no music value. Even that music, at Lumen/CenturyLink. To date except for the name change, it's the same guy doing the voice-over, and the same crap-ass'd music. CHANGE the damn thing. But as we grow older, and mature, we find, that NOT everyone is just going to drop whatever they were doing before you let your phone do the walking. I usually don't, even answer the phone(yet), during an on air show, because I lose my place and can't seem to get enough speed to climb on board my original train of thought. I also extend that behavior, if I'm at a store or visiting a client. They got shit to do, your a guest, and vice versa, but everything has a delay. Heck even if you go to a brothel in Wells Nevada(yes they reopened) there is a delay, first delay, inspecting you for any kind of communical, diz-eeze. Second they take the money and take it upfront to the Madam, usually no more than a few minutes, but still a delay. Then she has to prep including putting on the stockings and toys YOU want to play with. But there is still a delay. Even a baby or toddler about to cry, there is that few seconds(at least you hope only a few seconds) between when they open their mouth, and when the vocal cords start. There are always going to be delays. It's part of the human condition. 
Alrighty then: 

It's no big secret, that a woman wearing nylons of any style or sort, gets near me. Several things here. First, the initial part of that attraction was Miss. Daisy Duke 
started my hunger towards the hind paws of a lady, that drifted into, a series of ads for 
as in we LuV ToewZ, that extended into a concept to grab some public ink by attempting to be the first person, to sit, kneel or smooch a stinky nyloned set of toewz on the Guinness book of records/ Nobody has yet to set that record/. We thought, bring in LexIBelle(The Iron Wolf) have a hottie, with sensuous feet/toewz, and smooch em, until somebody says, Uncle. It's been done with radio stations, car dealers, appliance dealers peddling Fridgerators, Washers etc, where if you put your hands on a thing and set the record, you win that fool thing. While no one would own another, still having a diddy, to spotlight the word TOW as TOE into toew, and our official FCC call letters KTOW or KAY-TOE(W). That's why I go through that as part of an audition, and/or employment interview. Plus if they read or ads or arrive in nylons, and do the what we refer to here as the famous TOEW-SMOOCH 
 Of which only a very few have done, but it tells me they have the rebel, fight the system radical mind that we need here. Not the LDS, Missionary oh don't do that attitude. Hey, I'm not knocking the Church, I belong to it as well, but going off course here. I asked my home teacher person, to let me get more involved in Sunday School, and Church-supported gigs, like talks etc. My home teacher said, that I needed to wear a dang suit, white shirt and tie. First don't have any of that, and two, I don't want to just blend in. My long hair, my beard
 is me. I can't change who I am. I know without a doubt that Jesus died for my sins, I know he is there to hold my front paw when I need it, but would the same Church that is Holier than thou, condemn Jesus, if he walked in, in a robe of camel hair, or sackcloth, with a beard, sandals and his long hair? God our Father in Heaven don't care if I'm wearing the club cut, my hoodie, or a penguin shirt and tie. He don't care if my steed is 20 years old, our Father in Heaven and Son, our Heavenly Brother Jesus Christ, cares what's in our hearts and minds, not what you can just pass off as Sunday attire. So what? That's why my Church attendance is a bit lackluster. Or at least LukeWarm. Any mile need feed, join us in two hours on just push the link that says, WEBCAST. 


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