Don't jive me turkey, be in the groove or I'm sicking Killer on you.


Welcome to my afternoon. If you are giving any attention to not only FoX News Channel, but most of both the News and entertainment channels, You are seeing reverse discrimination. While FoX News still leans on the blonde bomb threshold, still, have you noticed more inclusion, in some of their shows, more African Americans? Now I do not want to say that I'm racist. Unlike many of my Confederate ancestors, I see a person. Not African American, Not Oriental, not Europian, or Klingon, it doesn't matter, I look upon that person as a being. If they can do a task or job, as equal to, or better than, one of us white rednecks, fine, they're hired. If not they ain't, but I won't cave like all so many have, hire ethnic anybody, just because they ain't white. Yet I can see the execs at the board room at FoX News, still under the watch of Rupert Murdock, hearing all the backlash and pushback from those execs saying, " Well maybe we ought to hire more Blacks. Or as Flip Wilson comedian used to say when he did Jeraldine Jones, Don't Jive me Turkey, be in the groove or I'm sticking Killer on you." You Jive Chicken." Look there are cultures both nasty and cool over the entire expanse of our planet and, and of other planets all through the expanse of the universe. 
 Could that be one reason that those from other galaxies, have not infiltrated or visited our third rock from a solar sun, Earth? Have we lost our way? Every other day it's racist, this racist there. What if we all turned the term RedNeck to the reverse? What if we said ya'll can't call us Rebel, Rednecks? No longer being comedy for Jeff Foxworthy, or Larry the Cable Guy, both are great friends of mine, but what if we said, we will not be silenced. Hey once the ice was broken by destroying our Southern monuments, it rose to all national monuments. The South is as much of America, as any group, of people on the grounds of the U.S.-of-A. states. But nobody said anything. When they all said rip the battle flag off the Duke's General Lee, nobody in media gave it a look, when they in the dark of night tore down that statue of that General in Texas, could we as Rebels, say hey Facebook, Twitter, even Google, forget you turbin wounded heads, we DEMAND you give us our spotlight. Quit killing Confederate progression. We could but we haven't, but maybe it's time we did. More tonight starting at 22:00 on on the Crazy Cooter Monday Maniac Show. See ya'll then.


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