It must've been something I did before, It's great when you get a Doctor that prescribes what one wants.


You do realize that for the last 2 to 4 months money worries, health issues have kept me off-air and not doing much writing. After as many moons as there are at least a Century, I finally got someone with the magic pen to prescribe Phenergan. Which my Mom the all wise person she is and was. Trust me, not just because she was MY mom, but one who knew more things that was important than any person ever to have walked this earth cept for Jesus. My mom without trying found that when I was having my episodes, that despite every narcotic thing on Earth, that Phenergren, took care of most if not all my problems from crappy stomach to headaches. But did anybody else give that a moment's consideration? Nope, But Doc, Henderson did. And I've started to gain some altitude towards better health. 

So then last Friday, thought we on the final countdown to launching the fiber here at the station, but it sure damn well wasn't no 1 GiG. 10 Up, 25 down, good but not what I ordered and quite frankly not what I'm being billed for. Kind of reminds me of when CenturyLink tried to do up high horsepower in Wendell, it took until May that year to get it right, and that was twisted DSL, pairs to give me 20 up/20 down. I paid $500.00 and was happy, it went it, it worked, and I could deliver a nightly show. Here I'm being billed 4 times that for a connection that I can't even use. Utah is still looking great and brighter every day. 

For whatever it is, and the reluctance of a society that is in denial that it's still slow as a turtle and about as spooked to moving forward, why the influx of people to a town(TFCID) is not a city yet. It tries really hard but is really completely lost as how to get there, along with a lot of the supporting cast. Some day, perhaps, but I haven't that long to live to see that goalpost reached. In reality, I'm dying. The insides of my stomach is eating itself up from inside out, that clot that they had to remove off of my brain at 16, is starting to rear its large head, giving pain that I never have noticed before. And yet the same players just another inning, of the same game. 

More on the show come early morning. Tune In.


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