But don't look for it on a Google,Facebook, Yahoo, or Edge search, it wont be there.


But don't look for it on a search it won't be there.

These days nothing is what it used to be, if it's something a tech company wants to exploit for commerce or financial superiority, it will. Few hours now, looking for some terms on elections in Idaho, I found that no matter where or what search engine I used, all I got was dribble. Unless it has an ad behind it or could generate ads, it will not be found. Oh yes, you will find frauds, near frauds, or porn, but try to find something seriously intellectual, forget it. Now granted, this Covid thing, might have boosted the deterioration, of the Web, and tech in our nation, our youth can build games, connect wires, but can they write computer code? Could they diagnose a really serious tech sys ill? I think not. Over the last few days, on many of the interviews for an assistant engineer, here on HazzardAyre, the ability to resolve problems by these young applicant candidates, without using a search or Googling it, like they say, even with that, one can't find wiring schematic diagrams, or repair thoughts on rebuilding an old fashioned Cart machine. Nope, its high tech. Thing is the device may be straight out of Star Wars, but the youth figuring out to repair that tech is more like very low tech. As I leave early this morning:

It has been decided that for the very near future ops around here on my plate will roll by as Cooter's Garage and Toewing. Hazzard County Choppers will remain our bike unit, and of course parent company here will remain, AyreWolf Aviation LLC. 

HazzardAyre Wednesday will be on at 13:00 today. Until then truck it happy.



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