Abused and thrown away, does not mean you can't change channels


There are women who even though they have been abused, cheated on and all, seem to gravitate towards male corpuscles, that are just that abusers, or users. It's like people who smoke, take meds, or even huff a crack pipe they need that whatever it is and constant turmoil, to be fulfilled. We all have our crutches, and icons in our lives. For me its LexiBelle, The General JaxSon, Skoal, and Goody's powders, reminds me gotta go up to the store and get some later. Any Mile, these peeps who are drawn to men who hurt them will refuse, even distance or tease themselves from a guy that is wholesome, honest, has a career, infact 4 of them and reaching for another, in getting my AirMed certification, to fly medical helicopters, and bring that into our stable of offerings at HazzardAyre Aviation. There is always an excuse, car broke, lost credit card, family problems the list goes on, but as said they are just Excuses. Even though deep inside them, they know they'd be better off with an understanding loving guy, they just pour out their problems on facebook, hoping and praying that some body will rescue them from that hurt. The problem there is even if one of us or myself went to AM Falls Idaho, stood at her driveway, and beat the crap out her door, she still would refuse to leave. Now granted Twin Falls, Idaho, is not repeat NOT a utopia, there are assholes all over the place, but after awhile it grows on you. Sure there's not a IT Tech labor force here, finding visual enhancement talent(Models) is a real chore, that usually requires importing someone from HollyWeierd and on-air radio talent, yea right. But with all its faults, Its a sitch that I believe in that theory of " If you build it they will come". Likewise, the main reason, I can't go down right this month to Etown like I had planned is that I need to pay rent, and move the rest of my things from the apartment over here to the station, where I will live and work. That said, April I can go down , just need to gather some parts first. But that's getting me off vector. When it boils down to it, is I am an aviator,(Pilot), that owns a tow truck service as a sideline, and volunteers to manage a radio network station for both the Knytes and the WolfPack. Thing is when I see someone in real brain drain pain, and I reach out and invite them to dwell in the Lair here  

and get out from the rutt she is in. With that said, I'm not waiting much longer. But I'm feeling a bunch more at ease and will soon have all the rest of the puzzle of AyreWolfFM, and HazzardAyre, put together. Those who sign up now, take out our Sweat Equity, option, which means once back up to altitude, their finances and pride will bulge. But there are some things you can't tell some people. See down here at the Maverick on Blue Lakes, there's two honeys that I make a point to go see on long music sets of the station. One is Nicole and can't remember the others name. Now then, the one I can't remember the name of, everytime I go in there, she automatically knows which style of SKOAL I want, and all I need do is hold up my hand one finger means one can, two fingers means two cans. Beyond that there is chemistry. I can chat with her for hours between walk-in customers. That could become a raging inferno if I just take my time with either of them. Okay then, the tech gurus here didn't get everything done on the IT fiber project yet, so no show this afternoon, but I'm going to be on overnight. www.ayrewolffm.com 


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