Better late than never at least I now have one.


After what now seems to me as a Century, I now am the proud owner, of my infamous, Canon GL2 pro-corder. Came in the mail today, and it now looks like not only doing radio but doing IPTV is now very much possible. The last time I had one of these was in my tenure at Vision12 In Pocatello, Idaho. At the time, although I used some of the junk they had there, this little GL-2 was my favorite. I usually had it most of the time and took hundreds of thousands of videos, and interviews with it, not to mention, but I will some rather albeit off-color, but radical rebel, stories. It's just one of those things that I always said I was going to get, just never got the chance to. Back then it was money, for food and survival, but thanks to Biden, and his generosity I have one now for Club use. 

Okay, and I have to say this now as I close, since can't do much else, since Idaho Power is still farting around with the outside connections, and thus not much running in the studio and me freezing, but I have to wonder, when people are glancing over FB, do they really read the postings and/or ads, or do they just skim over it, and apply, without getting it in their heads where it's at and just who is offering the service, product, or job? Example; Remember Sara? Yup, she applied, for one of our openings for volunteer help, building the rest of the studio and all. Volunteer? Yea right. Heck, she was in the toilet so bad last December, that shy of a BJ, she was not going to put her best pheete forward, nor anything else. In fact, she called me up needing an advance on upcoming (maybe) wages, for rent, and a car payment. Hell, she hadn't even been in studio yet. Really? Still makes me want to shake my noggin. If she wants this gig now, it's tube steak boogie interview. With the $1,400.00 I got, paid a few bills, got ME some things I needed, and am waiting on Rick, down in Wyoming, to snag the measurements for the steering column and clutch diameter, for LexiBelle. Then I can order same, from Jegs. As far as CenturyLink/Lumen, ain't heard from them in a week or so, not that I'm complaining, but the thing is we ordered 1gig, not 100mbps. And 100mbps should not cost $1,500.00. 

I now know however that Spring has partly sprung. As my little buddies, the Killdeers are out, calling to me in the mornings and at night. 

How anyone would want to hurt one is beyond me. Plus I think, it's the same pair 

 that was here late last summer. One I think even knows its name that I named her, Mable. If I call to Mable, in eyesight or not, she'll chirp, to let me know she's there. They ain't as dumb as some think. 

Going to try to be on air here later tonight, not been feeling very good, still weak as can be and my heat here isn't very good. Oh yes, the landlord here called the heating fix-it guy, I called in the order for service, its been tested, and ready to fire, but guess what, Terry's Heating and Air here in Twin Falls, Idaho; is still lollygagging around. 

See ya'll tonight.


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