Doesn't anyone work anymore?


Doesn't anyone work anymore? If they do I missed it. It's no damn wonder, them Oriental noodles are kicking our butts in science, Math, and Tech. For example; the mongrels at Yumen that I'm dealing with that will very soon be dealing with our organization's attorneys, the account rep, never seems to return a phone call, or even hammer an email, before noon. In my day and it remains today, in words of John Denver's song, Early to rise, early in the sack thank God I'm a Kountry Guy. What that means is wake up at 03:00 get to bed at 22:00 Record my radio show, do my work, but work. Whether it's busting my knuckles or using my brain, I don't stop except for lunch, for 45 minutes a day then back at it until the sun drops. Might be why the Knytes have been around 55 years, has 500,000 members nationwide, operates numerous operations in 4 western states, and employs 20,000 people. We don't pass the buck or defer or hand a problem off to someone else. We take responsibility for our mistakes and pride ourselves on our victories, but you'll never hear, oh that's not in my department. Or not my pay grade. Who cares, own up or shut up. Don't promise what you can't deliver, and if there's a problem call the customer or member and say what's up. The worst thing one can do in such instances is not knowing. And never overbill someone just to snag, a high commission. 

It's nearly as frustrating as telling a Utahrd, that they drive stupid, and have one of them agree, then watching them drive like an idiot, out of a parking lot. Own up to the fact that you do stupid shit, then do something to correct the behavior. Don't keep doing stupid shit. Now a piece of something you'll find hilarious. The nurses at St. Lukes here, at noon, have about as much side manner as a cobra snake. However, the rest of the crew now knows that when I call in now and ask for Doctor House, they know it means talk to Dr. Henderson. 

Decided this morning that, that Janet from American Falls Idaho was again the same dead-end it was last year, so I unfriended, her and blocked her. Something doing that she was writing crap boohooing. Now she said she now had a car, was cruising over here last year to break bread. Now, this also reverts back to integrity. If there's something you need or want to do, you make sacrifices to do just that. Let me give you an example. Although the results turned out like manure, still when I learned that KBAX TV here in Twin needed a board op, I scratched together every bit of loose change I had to buy gas to drive the 40 miles round trip from Wendell Idaho here to Twin Falls. Just to apply and interview for it. I would have gotten it, if some dillweed, there hadn't had his head up his ass, but I wanted the gig. Since then we have grown HazzardAyre/KnyteWolf Radio to levels we didn't know was even possible. But it meant staying in gear during the pandemic, not staying home flogging the sheep, and staying on task. Not doing it just for the money, but for the reason we do it all. That reason is pure simple. As many of us have lived through it, sitting or laying on a super slim single bunk, under a big rubber band with byrds flying off of a floating airport, out in the middle of no where, looking for something to bring comfort in the heat of battle and duty. They look for that in our online radio shows. Whether it's our HeeHaw Kountry Kornpone humor on HazzardAyre, Hot Rod/Gear Head programming on KnyteWolf Radio, or a combination of it all, we are giving back to those that watched over our butts, when we were in flight looking down the barrel, or tail end of an adversaries aircraft. There is an old saying in the Corps, that says, Once a Marine, Always a Marine. Just because we have been assigned domestic duty, does not mean we stop serving. 

See Ya'll over night on or 


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