^6 months ago, something strange happened to me on my way to the studio, the event changed my entire course.


Six months ago, I was sitting in the loft examining life through the eyes reading a book. While my conscience mind, absorbed the book, my sub conscience caught wind. I dreamed of being back in the air not just on it. So to renew my flight certificate(GA-LICENSE) I contacted the best school in the area in Cedar City Utah. Southern Utah University. So with that, my head started climbing back into the clouds. Now before you think, oh shit there goes the Knytes, Think again. The basic foundation of our radio op, was and is, to combine Hazzard County Radio, and what had been until collapse due to too rapid growth, AyreWolf Radio, aka AyreWolfFM.com . Hence, Hazzard-Ayre(Air) Radio. Since that day in 1966, when I took a T-39 for a joy flight, I have been hooked on flying. The first stage was finding that LexiBelle' was hurt, in a cracked block, of which I can only blame myself for. I spent way too much time, fiddling with puss, that were just teasers, for the most part. Thus never went down to Etown, and either fetch or winterize her. I believe that when we stumble like that, it's Father in Heaven's noise for us to redirect our minds and efforts. So I dug in more for going radio, since towing for the most part was kaput. The more radio, I figured, redirect that from going towing to going flying. After all, nobody gets as much into helicopters. Not saying anything bad against fixed-winged byrds, but there are things that helicopters can do that other aircraft won't or can't do, including hovering in place performing a rescue. Like most things, if no-body is doing it, might as well as I do it.

So back a few ago, I devoted my brain drain into things flying. Now, this is not anything new. It was the central reason, I relocated in 2013, to increase my flight ratings, it was the WolfPack that got us the studio, office in Woods-Cross Utah, and it was the path of least resistance, for me to remain in the officer's food chain of our organization. 
Which is managed by The WolfPack, since 2002. So the plan is more Ayre(air) than Hazzard, for a few months. The fact is, however, our dedication to, and for the Confederacy preservation will never change. Hazzard and all of it started with the discovery of an older 70 Charger in Paul Idaho. The premise was on a search for Go-Go botts such was worn by the carhops, on the movie the 
Hence which started the stinky phoote thing. 
That thing blossomed and has been part of us ever since. Which those boots are still inside a locked glass cabinet at Knytes Central in Utah. Smell and all. With that said, the dedication we have and for the preservation of our beloved Dixie as it was, not as it is today, has never been toned down. Even that, is brought into the light as HazzardAyre Aviation Resurrection and restoration. So just because these days you aren't snagging   

on our radio stream, does not mean we are dead, just a state of reconstruction, watch here, and on Hulu for details. More on our Hulu contract next time. See ya'll overnight on ayrewolffm.com for a HazzardAyre Wednesday.


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