Still on the mend, last night was terrible..


With this crab I thee should be in bed.

Last night, after not intaking of victuals I went to the crapper only to crap out not manure, but my blood. Apparently, the maple bars, a quart of two milks was a bit too much for my insides. So up until 07:00 all I did was remain at home, asleep in my van seats in my front room, and just slept. Even so, my insides are slowly recuperating, but it ain't over yet. But at least I'm retaining most of what I shovel down my food tube. As such not much in doing radio tonight but will be up on it at 08:00.

So paid a bunch of outstanding bills ordered me some groovy stuff including but not limited to, a Canon GL-2 pro-corder. Been wanting one of those since I left Vision12 In Pocatello. The GL-2 is probably one of the most user friendly of any Camcorder. It has ears that snag every sound, aperture remains wide even in very low light such as in a bar. Trust me, I covered a rave fest for my TV show there in Blackfoot. Didn't even need outside light or additional visual capture. 

This organization of ours is growing, even faster than a mustard weed. Or any other weed, that you may consider. What we started in Hagerman, aka Hazzard Idaho, at the then, Polish Palace, now the Snake River Grill, with only 9 of us. That night was hughmendious, 9 came in but 15 joined. Hell, there were guys and a few honeys sitting on speaker shelves. This was before the internet, or what we use as the web, we spread word in every biker, trucker, hot rod, magazine we could. The honeys posed with our rides, the club house, the band everything. But we got stronger. In 1975 we absorbed the last of the JR-14 CB Club, had one hell of a bash with over 500,000 cb-truck- wynged warriors, that the Filer Fairgrounds ever hosted. Even State Troopers and local fuzz joining in as associate member. That growth, continued, until 1995. We consumed a local charter in Wyoming, then there was an end-run President that had us going in directions the club had no business being in. In 2013, during the formation of the formal radio gig, President Rick Lemmons, killed the Reaper Club, a true bikers bar here in Twin Falls. At that point, I could feel right being a Knyte. So the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association, aka the WolfPack. true straight forward vintage military aviation wyng nuts, came together. 80% are Marine, 10% are Navy retired or honorably discharged aviators, dedicated to our MO, in restoring all vintage military(mostly US NAVY-Marine aircraft) Including helicopters. The WolfPack took over executive parent organization over the Hazzard County Knytes, the Knytes-of-Anarchy, as well, as the Iron Knytes. The rest is history, but some of us are getting older and not as frisky as we were once. But we still command the organization. The Wolf howls the Knytes serve. And that's that, on that. So that's my life and Club news. Going to catch some noise, in my head of snooze, see ya'll on air, at 08:00 on 


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